Saturday, October 28, 2023

A Minor Flare-Up

 There was a bit of rain early in the morning and then it was cloudy all day. The high got to 16.8C. This morning it is clear with the Hunter's Moon shining and 11C. It is going to be sunny with a high of 23C. 


I had a minor flare-up yesterday. I did the yoga exercises and they did help. My muscles were sore with very little joint pain. I did walk in the afternoon and wondered if I would make half the distance. As I walked, the pain went away and I did 1.3km - the loop I have been walking. Muscles were sore later on but I didn't have to take anything as it wasn't something that heat didn't help. 

I spent the morning cleaning up the kitchen and getting it clean. Floors were swept and wiped. I moved slower than before but I got it done. The kitchen looked great and the other floors are clean. 

I packed a box to ship to daughter and went out and mailed it. I walked carrying the box and bought 2 more boxes to ship. The boxes we have been using have made at least 2 round trips across Canada and maybe 3. Time for new boxes. 

I picked up grandson from school and went for dinner with family. We talked about what I should do. We decided I should talk to the doctor in January to get an idea of what I can continue to do before I really need to be referred for surgery. I like to have plans or at least ideas for the future. In the mean time, I am to continue on with what I am doing implementing any exercises I am given.

I have followed my eating plan for 2 days and lost 2 lbs. My body enjoyed the rest I gave it and is now ready to loose the remaining weight. It wasn't hard to get back into the program; I just needed a good reason to start following it carefully again. I know loosing the remaining weight will be good for my joints, blood pressure, and glucose levels. 


I didn't sew yesterday. But I did think about things in the sewing room. 

I need to continue working on cleaning the sewing room and keeping it clean. 

I have to keep making decisions about the stash. As I handle the fabric and trims I need to decide if I will sew it and if I won't donate it. The stash is getting smaller and I need to focus on decreasing it even further. Fabric purchases will only be what I need and not for new projects. I need to have the stash fit into the container I have designated for it. This means no more quilts after this winter unless I buy the fabric for one at a time. It means using up the doll's stash for doll clothes sewing myself clothes and finding projects for the quilting cottons. I need to apply the less is more rule to my stash


I finished crocheting the edge on a lap afghan for daughter-in-law. She needs to weave in the ends and donate it to a long term care home. I enjoy doing the edging for her. 

I did not knit on the vest last night as my hands were tired from crocheting. 


    I am starting to realize (slowly) how much I am doing since I started osteopathy and physio. As the pain has diminished, my mobility has increased. I am not exhausted from the pain at this time and have been more focused on exercise and housework. 

    As I clean the house and purge items, I am feeling more calm in my home. It feels good to feel less stressed and anxious about the space and it is so much easier to keep clean and organized. It leaves me wanting to decorate which is wonderful. 


I have to do yoga and walk for sure. I want to start cleaning and purging the dining area. It is time to tackle it. I have printed a pattern to start a doll's dress and will knit on the vest. I will also start packing box #3 to ship to daughter. 

Until the next time......................................................

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