Saturday, October 21, 2023

I Need To Think As I Clean

 Yesterday was a lovely warm fall day. The sun shone and there was a breeze. The high go to 19.2C. This morning it is raining and 13C. We are to have rain/showers and a high of 17C. 


I didn't do yoga yesterday morning as I was wanting to get the bathroom cleaned. I did a lot of stretching while cleaning the jet tub and shower. I ended up washing the floor on my hands and knees. A good workout. The bathroom is clean and I have 4 cleaners under the sink. When one is used up, I will not replace it. The other 3 I use regularly when cleaning that room. 

I folded laundry before lunch and got it put away. That was my spot clean for yesterday. I'm trying to do something little each day so I can clean that area the following day. 

I went for a .55 km walk yesterday afternoon. It was a lovely walk and I did kick it up a bit. I walked a bit more quickly as I am getting use to the walking sticks. I made my body relax and focused on my gait. I really got a good even pace and enjoyed it. I wasn't that sore when done. Just muscles that said they were tired from being exercised. 

My IBS is improving. The only time it will flare up is when I have a lot of pain. I am back to eating all foods with no issues. The cause was stress and pain. 


I finished cleaning up the yarn cubby before sewing. The floor was washed and the cubby wiped down. I put it against the wall with the book shelf. The yarn winder is in a basket to keep it off the floor. I am happy with the arrangement and am now ready to tackle the chair and little table beside the bookshelf. 

I sewed 4 more blocks on the quilt. I started off great chain piecing. It was fast and quite relaxing. I even got the top row chained pieced but as soon as it came time to sew on the bottom row, my brain shut down. It was sew one block at a time. 

I had to take apart 2 blocks as they had one red rectangle that was 1/4" too long. I fixed that quickly and got the blocks pressed and onto the floor to see how it looks. 

So far so good. I'm deciding if I will add an extra column to make it wider. At this time it will be 48 x 72". I will decide on at the last moment. 


I knit a lot on the vest last night and now have 6 cable patterns done. 

I am 4 rows short of being half way done to the underarm cast off. 


    Yesterday, I had a bad afternoon mentally. I have figured part of the reason why. At the moment, I will be staying to myself and only doing what I want to do. Other than family, I am going to focus on myself and my life. It is time for me to let go of pressures I have been forcing myself to live with. I realize I need to keep everything simple and less overwhelming. 

    I have also realized how much pain I had been living with now that the pain level is reduced. Now that I can move about easier, I want to get the house cleaned and I want it done now. In reality, I have to pace myself as I need to build strength and stamina. After being sore and less mobile, I am weaker than I thought I was. 

    I have been working on my goals lately. Getting the house clean has been one and I am working on purging and letting go of items I don't need. I thought I had kept things minimal but the clutter is creeping in again. I need to evaluate every area and decide if I need it or not. I want to have less so I can feel calm. At the moment I am not feeling that especially when I open closet doors. It isn't just the upstairs, it is the basement also. 

    Another goal is getting myself pain free. I want to join the exercise groups at the hospital's wellness center. Another goal is to walk most days. Not only will it help my fitness level, it will help me keep healthy. I will continue with physio and osteopathy until I am as pain free as I can be. 

    I am evaluating my sewing and knitting goals. What do I want to make is the big question. Knitting is easy as I love to knit most nights. Socks, doll clothes, hats, and even vests. I find it easy to knit up the yarn I have and hardly look at purchasing yarn. Sewing is harder. What is it I want to do? What is my focus for the future? I enjoy quilting, sewing doll clothes, reusable bags, piping, and other fun items. My goal is to use up the stash which is happening. There are days when I feel like I am without a plan. I have a lot of thinking to do as I clean up the sewing room. 


I need to do yoga this morning. I want to clean the laundry closet and the hall. My spot cleaning will be sweeping floors. They need doing and can be done in 15-20 minutes. I want to start cleaning the chair area in the sewing room. It is a mess. I also want to sew 4 blocks on the quilt. Tonight I would like to knit. If not raining, I would like to walk this afternoon. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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