Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Learning New Techniques

 Yesterday was one of rain and no rain. We didn't see much sunshine. The high got to 12.6C. This morning it is raining and 8C. We are to have more rain today and a high of 11C. Our fall weather is here. 


I had a wonderful time with daughter-in-law yesterday morning. We went looking at hot tubs which was exciting. The person who talked to us about them was great and told us lots. Daughter-in-law sat in three and finally figured out which one they would look at in greater depth. We left the store happy and did some shopping at other stores. We were home by noon. 

I didn't do yoga yesterday. I was very sore when I got home. We figured out that when I get sore and tired I bend forward to ease the pain. I then have to physically make myself stand and sit straight which hurts. There was some pulling in the groin muscle but I think most of the pain was muscles yelling as they were tired of doing the right thing. I sat on the heating pad with the magic bag draped over my leg. It helped ease the pain and relax the sore muscles. I did get up and move around the house to keep from stiffening up. 

I haven't heard from the doctor about my X-rays. Not only did he have the flu shot clinic on Friday, he had a frozen nitrogen treatment clinic yesterday afternoon. He also does phone appointments on Mondays and Wednesdays. I will wait for another couple of days. 


I did sew yesterday. My first job was to pick up and deal with the piles on the floor from the day before. I still have a couple of items to decide on their fate. I did not push myself to do much more than that as I didn't want to be so sore I wouldn't sleep. But, the book case is done and I am pleased with the results. Next up, I cut out 24 rectangles for Elliott's quilt. That was enough for 3 blocks (1 row)

I sewed 3 blocks on Elliott's cardinal quilt. I learned something new yesterday when sewing. Instead of getting up and pressing the seams flat like I had been taught, I finger pressed them like shown on Jordan Fabrics videos. When I nestled the seams together, they snuggled in perfectly. I did a block before pressing the center part only. I did that so I could trim the blocks. I have to say that I am impressed with how the blocks turned out. Row 2 was done and the blocks were left on the floor to be admired. 

I was skeptical about finger pressing the blocks. I was taught that the seams had to be pressed flat. I mean flat with lots of steam. Hence why I bought pressing starch for seams. When I saw the finger pressing done and how well the seams matched I decided to try. Elliott's quilt is a practice quilt for when I do mine. I am so happy I tried and learned something new. 

I cut out the last 24 rectangles and am ready to do the last 3 blocks. 

I will be sad when the blocks are done but excited to start my cardinal quilt. I keep wondering what I will make from the left over cardinal and snowflake fabric. I can buy more of the dot if there is any left in the store. 


I finished knitting the remaining 11 rows of the ribbing on the vest and got 4 rows of the first pattern repeat done. 

A long ways to go before it is done but am happy to be knitting the pattern once again. I am looking forward to having a warm vest to wear this winter. 


I have an osteopathy treatment today and I am hoping she will focus on my sore spots. After the treatment, I will go into Sackville and mail a parcel to daughter. Depending on how I feel, I may shop for a few items I still need. I would like to sew on the quilt this afternoon and do the last 3 blocks. If time, I would like to lay out part of my cardinal quilt in preparation to begin it. I hope to knit tonight if I am not too tired. 

Until the next time......................................................

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