Monday, May 29, 2023

Too Hot For Comfort

Yesterday's weather was brutal. Hot and windy. The high got to 29.8C which broke the previous record in 2020. The wind howled and was hot. This morning it is calm and cool at 9C. We are to have sunshine and a high of 13C. We have a risk of frost tonight. 


It was difficult going outside to plant seeds with the heat and wind. I did get the beans and peas planted and the beds watered. After a short break I put out the tomato cages for the tomatoes and cucumbers. Then after dinner I was out to water once again. I am finding that I need to water twice a day as the boxes are dry due to the lack of rain. 

The heat and hot wind was hard on the plants I had put outside and they all had to come back in and be watered. They perked up in the coolness of the garage. I had to run outside and pick up the cowboy boot that blew off the front landing and put it and the Welcome cat sign into corners. The boot has some chips in it from landing hard on the stairs. I watched the neighbour's bbq move a bit on their driveway but it didn't take off on them like I thought it would. The wind was howling at that point. Late in the afternoon, I found a bungie cord and secured the umbrella so it wasn't flapping wildly in the wind. By 11 pm it was calm and quiet. 

I ran the a/c off and on during the day as the upstairs was getting too warm for comfort. I turned it off at bedtime and opened the bedroom window at 11 pm. I also set up the fan in the bedroom to help keep it cooler. The moving air was cool and I would have slept with it on if the room was overly warm. It wasn't which was nice. 

I was looking at Twitter and saw that there are two forest fires here in Nova Scotia. One is up towards the NS/NB border and in a remote area. They have a lot of equipment working on it though the heat and wind was keeping the crews from containing it. The second fire is west of Halifax. It was moving fast and people were being evacuated very quickly. Houses were burnt as the wind was making this fire move rapidly. There is a lot of equipment and crews working on this one as it is in a built up area. 

My weight is down .3 lb this week. After having 3 weeks of big losses, a small one is good. My glucose reading was high (5.9) yesterday morning and at dinner it was low (4.3). I haven't changed my eating habits so do not know why it was so high unless I was dehydrated.  I will continue to be focused on eating properly so I can get healthy once again. 


As it was so hot outside, I spent the afternoon in the cool sewing room. I finished the jacket which wasn't a lot of work. I put the button holes in the dress. The top buttonhole had to be moved down as it wasn't stitching nicely where it belonged. 

I put Fray Check on the buttonholes and left them on the machine to dry. I need to cut them open and sew on the buttons. 

I worked on the hat and it almost defeated me. It would not do what I wanted it to do. I fiddled and diddled and got it to look like this. 

I need to take it apart now and move the bee fabric back further so the point of the long piece is in the part that covers the ear of the doll. I need to make sure it is lying correctly and tack it down so it looks like the one in the picture. 

I stopped working on it as I was frustrated. 

My last job for the day was to get the wristlet ready for cutting out on the Cricut. I watched the video and got it done. I was able to get the shoes on the canvas (work space) and all is ready to cut out. 

I finished up but need to save this so I can cut it out after I finish the dress and hat. 


I cast on a sweater for the Gotz dolls. It has a neat pattern that you need to follow row by row. I am enjoying the process of doing a new pattern. 

It should look like this when done. 

I will see if I will do the crochet trim on the bottom. I only have one ball of the variegated yarn so will do the sleeves before the crocheting. I may even crochet the trim in the linen coloured yarn which I am going to use to knit the leggings that goes with the top. 


I will be busy today. I have to plant cucumber seeds and water the vegetable boxes. I want to get my placemats into a bag ready to sew tomorrow. I have to go to New Minas this afternoon to have the car serviced. I will return the watering can as it leaks and get a few groceries for lunch tomorrow. No sewing today but I hope to knit tonight after I water the vegetable boxes. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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