Sunday, May 07, 2023

A Fabulous Day Out

 Yesterday was a sunny but windy day. The high got to 16.0C. This morning, it is sunny and 0C. We are to have lots of sunshine and a high of 20C today. The wind is to start blowing around noon. 


I didn't go buy the dishwasher yesterday as I got caught up in other things. I ended up washing the front hall closet and stairs. I am trying out a product I used a long time ago. When we had our floors redone in Kamloops, it was recommended by the finisher. I used it and wasn't happy with it. I had bought the polish not the cleaner. So I tried the hardwood cleaner and I'm in love. The product is Bona. It removed the white haze the all-purpose cleaner left on the stairs and removed the dirt very quickly. I will be buying more of their products and using them on the floors of this house. They need to be taken care of as the previous owner and myself have not taken care of them properly.

Family took me into watch grandson play soccer. As I had to eat lunch early, my glucose reading was 7.3 (high). By the time I ate dinner, it was 4.7 which was a huge relief. I ate as I always do but think it was having lunch early that gave me the high reading. 

Grandson's soccer game was terrific. His team played really well against the opposing team. We yelled and cheered throughout the whole game as there were some fantastic plays made. Grandson assisted in the only score they made and lost the game 2-1. It was a fabulous afternoon and I enjoyed it immensely. As the game was outside and there were not a lot of spectators, I didn't wear a mask which was nice. 

I watched bits and pieces of the coronation of King Charles. The parts I watched were interesting. It was great to see the RCMP wearing their red serge on horseback. They were in front of the gold carriage on the way back from Westminster Abbey to the palace. 


I didn't sew yesterday though I did bring in the garden sprayer to use to starch the fabrics. I will try it later this morning. I will starch until I run out of the mixture. 

I watched a couple more of Bernadette Bonner's videos. One was on pressing and the other was on the remaking of a winter coat. I enjoyed both very much. It has me wanting to get back into historical sewing for the dolls and to finish the couture course.  

The pressing video reaffirmed how important pressing is. I press after every seam I sew. I learned that over time and many trials. I am still learning more about pressing especially when quilting. 


I did another 8 rows on the right front of the vest and stopped for the night. It is coming along slowly but that is okay. One doesn't wear a vest in the heat of the summer. 


    Having a high reading yesterday scared me. I have been eating carefully and wondered if I was changing from pre-diabetic to diabetic. I decided to eat normally and was happy to see it was only a reading taken earlier than normal. Dinner was back to my usual low reading. I will continue to monitor my readings 3 times a day.

    I started to remove the Spousal Unit's coats from the hall closet. One went into the garbage as it was in poor condition. I knew that it had to be replaced prior to his death. The other two are on the railing waiting to go into the donation box. I said my good byes to them which was sad but someone else can enjoy them. I notice that I have to deal with the grief as I do miss the Spousal Unit every day. 

    The cord for the Singer Featherweight could be delivered today though I've never seen any delivery vehicles on the road on a Sunday. We've had the Prime vans deliver on our street during the week. They say it is being processed so I wait and see. Once I get it, I will then find out when I can get the machine serviced. 

    I wore my size 14 (vanity sizing) jeans yesterday. They are going to fit for another 15 lbs and then I am going to have to look for new ones. Truthfully I will be looking at having to buy new clothes this summer if I continue to loose like I have been. 

    I have just read that I am eligible to get a spring booster shot as I haven't had Covid. I have booked an appointment for May 17. Though I will be up to date with my boosters, I will continue to wear a mask when inside of buildings. I feel safer wearing one in those locations. 


I have to do the balance sheet first thing this morning and then wash some more floors. I need to weed whack around the boxes and hoe the weeds under the deck. I'd like to starch fabric if the weather is warm and not too windy. I need to finish up daughter's yokes and knit tonight. I do have to do some cooking today as I need to cook chicken to eat and for the freezer. The list is long and I hope to be able to get things done this week.

Until the next time.............................................................

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