Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A Busy Tuesday

 Yesterday was cooler with lots of sunshine and wind. The high got to 11.7C. This morning there is a mix of sunshine and clouds and 1C. There is frost on the roofs of the houses. It is suppose to be sunny with a high of 16C. The wind is to be from the NE.


I spent the morning cleaning the living area and washing the floors. The floors had a lot of grime come off them with the cleaner but the rest of the room wasn't too bad. I washed all the blankets as Elliott is shedding a lot and got them back onto the couches and chair. In the process, I also washed about 1/3 of the dining area's floor. 

I had an IBS attack yesterday afternoon. The cause was the brussel sprouts I had for dinner. They are off the list until fall when I will try again. I was over it by mid afternoon but it left me tired so I had a nap for a good half hour. 

I picked up grandson from school and had dinner with family. A lovely roast chicken and good company. I brought the remaining chicken home and will make a pot of soup today. Daughter-in-law cut back her rose bush after we ate and cleaned up. After that was done, I headed home. 

My glucose readings were in the low 5's yesterday which was better. I had more energy to do things which was nice. It is something I will have to monitor on a daily basis. I am monitoring the booking site to get an appointment mid June for blood work. Nothing is showing up yet. 


I had time in the sewing room yesterday. I stitched out the 2nd cardinal square. While it was stitching, I cut out the last square of fabric to embroider and then cut out 3.5" squares for 8 of the blocks. When that job was done, I cut out the 1" strips for two placemats. I stopped at two but I'm thinking of doing 4 placemats now. 

I spent time looking for the colour wheel book but didn't find it. I did clean up the stash while looking. I need to focus on sewing it rather than buying fabric. 

My last job of the afternoon was to press the fabrics for the doll's outfit and locate the patterns. I put water in the iron to steam the fabrics as I didn't starch them. I have chosen to make Keepers Dolly Dud's Church Tea dress. I wanted to make a big hat but am thinking of making a cloche instead as it is more historically correct. 

I may even make the jacket that goes with the dress. I'm still thinking on that one. I am making shoes to go with it. 

I have decided not to renew my subscription for files for projects for the Cricut. I don't look at them enough to warrant having it. Instead, I may do Sewing With Cinnamon or Skill Share for a year. I have until March to decide which one I will do. 


I got home early from dinner and finished knitting the vest before bedtime. 

The next step is to learn how to sew up shoulder seams and do the ribbed neckline. 

My next project is to go back and knit on small needles for the dolls. I am going to make a sweater and leggings set for the Gotz dolls using yarn I unwound from the sweater I made that was too small. 


My goal is to do laundry, clean the dining area, and make the soup stock to freeze. The lawn is to be mowed today and I will talk to the people about the hedge. I want to sew if I have time and research how to sew the shoulder seams together on the vest so I can do that. If the wind isn't cold I'd like to start pulling weeds around the shed. A busy day at home for me. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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