Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Not Overly Productive

Yesterday was warmer with the wind dying down in the late afternoon. The high got to 13.5C. This morning we have a heavy frost and -1C. It is suppose to be sunny with a high of 18C today. There is a risk of frost again tonight. 


I wasn't over productive yesterday. I did sweep the floors and I made French Onion Soup. I don't use oil or butter in it so it is very low in points. I did add crusty bread cubes and a slice of cheese before grilling it for lunch. 

I have a bowl of just the soup in the freezer for another lunch. 

I rubbed pork chops in a spice mix and put it into the fridge for several hours. I cooked it in the Instant Pot and put it in the fridge. I need to heat it up and shred the pork, make rice, and freeze it in meal size portions. 

I saw this picture on Instagram and loved it. Such a beautiful picture using 3 colours. I stared at it for quite a long time. 

I am pulling out of a funk and am starting to feel better mentally. This month has been draining mentally due to the number of memories it holds. I didn't realize I was in this funk until late last night when I started to perk up a bit before bedtime. 


I didn't sew yesterday. Instead I watched a video on Design Space which you use to make your projects to cut out on the Cricut. I did learn a few things and will be practicing them over the next few days. I did the project on design space but won't make it as I don't like the design. The acrylic disc is 3" and you can buy 36 of them with the chain and tassels on Amazon. I don't know if I would make 36 key rings unless they were for daughter to attach to her shirts as a free gift. I have to say the design was cute and there are a lot of cute designs on the internet that could be used.

Pause for a bit. I did make a key ring using what I learned and it has a lady bug on it. I changed the colour of the background and had a bit of fun with it. I still don't know if I will make it or not but I did learn a lot doing it this morning. 

I have to go back and watch another video so I can make the clutch for the doll's outfit into a pattern that can be cut out on the Cricut. That way I can cut out the shoes and clutch at the same time.


When I felt the mental fog/funk lifting, I hauled out the vest and picked up half of the stitches on the 2nd armhole. 


I have to meet daughter-in-law in New Minas as her car is being serviced which includes a wheel balance. I will escort her around to her appointments and we may just buy some plants for the yard and garden. After I drop her off, I will get a couple of items more and head for home. I have to watch video #2 on Design Space and I want to knit tonight. 

Until the next time................................................................

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