Saturday, March 18, 2023

Two Sewing Projects Completed

 Yesterday was a day of sunshine and clouds. It actually got sunnier as the day went on. The high got to 6.2C. This morning, it is 2C and cloudy. We are to have sunshine, clouds, and rain with a high of 8C.


I spent the morning cleaning my bedroom. I knew it had to be done as I was having some allergy problems with the dust. I took the room apart to clean windows, walls, and floor. All I can say was I was embarrassed with the dust in the room. I took down the blue curtains and put up very light grey curtains. The room feels so much better now. I did have an allergy attack while cleaning the room and had to leave a couple of times to get away from the dust. 

I spent quite a bit of time after lunch on taxes and sent what was needed to the accountant. It was hard emotionally but I got it done. By the end of the day, I felt better so I am hoping that the spell I was having is done for now. 

My knee and hip are continuing to improve. I am trying to walk more normally but still have a bit of a limp or poor gait. My IBS is settling down with the probiotics which is great. I am still eating carefully as I want to heal. 


I decided to spend a couple of hours in the sewing room. I could have started a brand new project but I decided to get a couple of projects off the table. 

The first project was to make 4 pairs of tights for the dolls. I used the sewing machine for the first pair and then the serger for the remaining 3 pairs. Each of the 3 pairs needed me to sew the crotch as the serger didn't work in that area (common issue). 

The tights I sewed on the sewing machine are on the right. The seams are wavy but they fit and look okay on the doll. Mission accomplished and I may make more later on using black socks. 

The next project was to finish two potholders. I had started them after I finished the Kitchen Aid mixer cover. I set them aside for some unknown reason to finish later on. I finished them and they are ready to be used in the kitchen. 

I am happy with these and will use them a lot. 

I need to dig in the pile to see what I need to do next. I did enjoy finishing up projects on the list. They are not niggling in the back of my mind. 


I knit half of the pattern rows on the hat last night. I love the yarn which is soft on the hands. It went quicker as I am now know the pattern by heart. 

When this one is done, I have another one to make. Then I will look for something else to knit. 


    A lot of the snow melted yesterday and more overnight when it rained. We still have flurries in the weather forecast but I am hoping they won't amount to much. Most days are above 0C and nights are below freezing. Spring will arrive one day. We are now having 12 hours of daylight which is nice. 

    I am still eating cautiously. I am having rice and chicken once a day and sometimes twice a day. It seems to be helping with the healing process as is the probiotic I'm taking. I really don't need another IBS attack like the last one. 

    I am trying to get ahead on the housework so I can spend time outside doing yard work when it is warmer and drier. I know I will have time during the hot spell to work inside but that will be catch up time. I'm trying to keep the stress level down and plan to do something each day. 


The plan is to tidy up the kitchen and dining area so it is clean once again. I need to fold laundry also. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. I have to go to the post box and pick up a parcel that was delivered late yesterday afternoon. I am staying home today so things can get done. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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