Friday, March 31, 2023

Snow At The End of March

Yesterday's weather was crazy. It started out sunny and warm and ended up cool and snowy. The high got to 5.7C. This morning it was -5C and snowing. We are to have some sunshine later with a high of 4C.


The snow was a huge surprise yesterday. I took a picture and since then there has been more snow fall.

We had a bit of sunshine after the first snow storm and Elliott hid his eyes from the brightness so he could sleep soundly. 

I spent the morning cleaning the living room. I got most of it done and will finish it tomorrow. I cleaned cat hair off the couch, vacuumed it and did the floors moving the two couches around. I still have the chair and foot stool to do. Can't wake up a sleeping cat. I also did laundry and got it folded. 

Son and daughter-in-law came at 11:30 a.m. and took me for lunch. I had a roast beef panini which was delicious and had carrot cake for dessert. I blew my points but it was my birthday. We had a great visit as they left this morning for Texas. Dinner, on the other hand was light -- roast beef, a slice of cheese and some grapes. My weight didn't budge either way which was nice. 

In the evening I got a phone call asking for me to get diabetic supplies they had forgot to pack. I went over, got them, and met them half way. I was a bit worried about the drive as it was snowing but the roads were excellent. I got home about 8:40 pm which wasn't too bad. One thing -- I had a break from my usual evening routine with a bit of excitement. 

Daughter gave me boots for my birthday. Just over ankle height which is perfect for yard work. They are a bit big as I take a half size. I need to get insoles for them and enjoy wearing them while working outside. Hopefully I can start working outside in April. 


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room and got the center blocks quilted. I didn't turn on the overhead light as it was bright when I went down. By the time I finished it was dark. It was then that I saw it was snowing hard. 

I didn't take pictures of the blocks as it was too dark. I did do some timing and it takes about 25 minutes to stitch in the ditch and quilt the center block. Not too bad for a slow sewer. 

I am now ready to watch the next video which tells how to sew the blocks together. I know I have to trim the batting and backing, sew the blocks together, and fiddle with the batting and backing so it all looks neat and tidy before hand stitching the seams together. After I sew each row together, I can do more quilting while the pieces are more manageable. The only time I have to quilt with the whole quilt together is after I attach row 2 and 3 together. I am going to try and take more pictures as I do the next step. 

I have decided that I will be doing more "quilt as you go" when I make quilts. I have 3 to make this year and I find that they are easier to handle when I work on the blocks. I will probably machine sew the backing down on 2 of the quilts as they will be used daily. The third one is my Christmas quilt and it won't be used a lot. 


I knit on the hat and have 4 rows left to go. Next up is a doll's sweater using sock yarn. I am looking forward to trying a pattern I bought several years ago.


     I have decided to start walking outside daily (weather permitting) so I can strengthen my hip and knee. I would love to take a trip this fall and need to be able to walk at least a mile. I need to get into shape also. 

   My birthday went better than I had expected. I did miss the Spousal Unit being around. It wasn't my usual birthday routine which helped. I am finding that doing something different helps.

    Spring is coming. Yesterday it smelled like spring is coming (even if it did snow). We are now moving into warmer and wetter days. I'll take that over the snow at this time of the year.  


I need to be at son's house at 10 am as the cleaners are arriving. I need to watch the video on joining the quilt squares and start sewing row ones blocks together. I would like to go for a walk this afternoon and knit tonight. It is mainly a stay at home day for me.

Until the next time................................................................

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