Sunday, March 19, 2023

More Projects Completed

 Yesterday was grey and dull. We had a few showers and the high got to 6.4C. This morning it is 1C and we are to have sunshine, clouds, rain, and flurries. The high is to get to 4C.


With the day being dull, I really just wanted to hibernate but I got a lot done. The kitchen was cleaned up as was the dining area. I swept a lot of floors and am happy that the jobs got done. I did wake up part way through the process. 

I was out to get the the parcel daughter sent me. It arrived at the community box late in the day. She sent me the fabric to embroider her shirt, a lovely vest that fits, and my birthday gift that I will open on my birthday. 

My gut issues have settled down a lot. I have been on probiotics for almost a week and have eaten a lot of rice and chicken. I am going to add some vegetables to my diet today. I need a bit of variety and colour. It feels good to be sleeping better and having more energy during the day. 

My hip and knee are improving also. I'm getting to the point where I am going to have to start walking every other day to strengthen it more. I am so happy that I have less pain and am more mobile than I was 6 months ago. 


I spent a couple of hours in the sewing room and worked on items on the cutting table. My first job was to make the button holes and sew the buttons on the towel toppers. I decided to use buttons I had in the stash. It is nice to have them in use upstairs in the kitchen.

My next job was to go through the fabric scraps from the horse and bag them up for my friend. That cleaned up a container that I had for that project. Then I looked in the doll's tub and took a pattern off a piece of ultra suede. I will use the ultra suede for something else as it is too heavy for doll clothes. I have a pair of capri leggings to sew for the Gotz dolls and that tub is taken care of for the moment. I do have ripstop nylon to make a raincoat for the dolls. 

I got out the board fabric so I can start on the horse bag. I also looked at some other fabric and am trying to figure out how to make them into gift bags. Ideas are floating in my head on that one. 

I left the sewing room happy as I can now work on a new project once the leggings are sewn. My little UFO's will be gone. I will set up a big UFO next month. It will be my April project that I can work on between projects. I want it done so I can hang it up this coming Christmas.


I finished up my hat. I knit it so the top is closed as I don't have a messy bun. I am pleased with how it fits and how it goes with my new vest. 

The two balls of yarn are gone from the stash and I'm ready to knit the next one. It will be one of these two. Probably the blue one.

I set aside a ball of yarn for a doll's sweater as it flecked with colours to go with some buttons I bought. I will work on it a bit later as I need to think about what I want for a skirt to go with the sweater. 


I have to do the balance sheet this morning and then I will be working on getting the Cricut to cut properly. In the afternoon, I would like to sew the doll's leggings and start working on the horse bag. Tonight I will start on the next hat. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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