Thursday, March 30, 2023

A Great Eye Exam

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 8C. There was very little wind which made is quite nice. This morning it is -2C and clear. Clouds are to come in late this afternoon along with the snow. The high is to get to 4C. 


I took grandson to school yesterday morning and as we turned on the road to the school we had fog greet us. Grandson said we had fog because the school is old (1798) and old schools and fog are spooky. So we went with the theme and had a good chuckle. 

I was to the optometrist yesterday morning. I had to have 3 tests done before seeing the optometrist . One I never had before but it takes a picture of your eyeball. This is new as they joined FYIdoctors (Canadian and founded in Alberta). When I saw the optometrist, she did all the updates on me, did my vision and then put drops in my eyes. I then went and got measured for new lenses and to pay my bill. 

When back in to have the last check up on my eyes, I was told they are very healthy with only one floater. The picture of my eyes was the best they had seen and all the staff was looking at it. I did something right for them to get those great pictures. I go back in 2.5 weeks for the new lenses. 

I struggled during the day with my eyes dilated. The bright sun didn't help but I didn't want to sit in a dark house. I swept the sewing room floor and cleaned the cat's litter before lunch. After lunch I had a good nap and then did a few small things. By dinner time, my eyes were back to feeling normal. They were certainly sensitive to the bright light; more than I thought they would be. 


I swept the sewing room floor and there was a lot of fibre and thread on it. It felt good to have it clean once again. I also trimmed and got some blocks ready to quilt. I quit when my eyes got tired. 


I did knit late in the afternoon and part of the evening. I don't have to strain my eyes a lot when knitting these hats. 

I have 2.5" left to knit on the hat and then 5 rows to decrease and it will be done. I will be putting the yarn away as it seems to give me hives. Some chemical as I knit with these fibres all the time. 


I will be doing some housework this morning and working on the quilt this afternoon. I want to knit tonight. It is my birthday but I have no plans for today as we celebrated 2 weeks ago. My only plan is to have seafood chowder for dinner as I love it. A very quiet day for me unless I visit my friend this afternoon. 

Until the next time........................................................


  1. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Wishing you a very happy birthday!

  2. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Happy Birthday!

  3. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Have a wonderful birthday
