Friday, August 16, 2024

Working On Projects

 Yesterday was fairly sunny with a high of 24.8C (humidex 29C). This morning it is foggy and 14C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 24C (humidex 28C). 


I had osteopathy yesterday and my hip had rotated forward some due to how far we walked in Sweden. It could have been caused from tiredness and/or me reverting to an old gait. The therapist did almost an hour on the hip and rotated it back to its proper position. I could feel her doing it as she hit some sore spots. I pushed through as I knew it would pay off in the end. 

I hurried home as I needed to pick up lunch for son. Once I got home I was tired but I pushed through the afternoon. I did not nap though I sure wish I could have. I was in bed at 7:30 pm and slept around 10 hours. This morning, my hip is feeling much better with only minimal pain. Less than I have had in a long time. 


I spent time in the sewing room doing what I could and leaving what I couldn't. 

First thing I did was cut out the outer dress for the Strawberry Shortcake outfit before going to osteopathy. 

I got 1/3 of the hat cut out of the red fabric and all 6 pieces cut out of the print. 

My first job in the afternoon was to start cutting out the bags for auction. 

I laid out the copper coloured fabric only to realize I didn't have enough length. So, I cut the strips 6" wide and then cut another strip so I can add length which will be hidden. It will be the base of the bag. 

Then I cut out the 2" strip of grey grunge fabric for the narrow strip between the coppery print and the dog print. 

I started to trim the print fabric so I can cut it. The piece will be about 19" in length. 

My brain kept saying to leave it alone so I did. I was tired enough to know I would make a big mistake if I cut it. I did cut out the handles and press them. 

I now need to buy thread for the project so I can start sewing it together.

I moved on to the cat quilt as I knew I could handle it. I cut out the front and back sashing and batting pieces. I cut one too many but I can use the fabric sashings and toss the batting. I carefully sewed the vertical sashing on, pressed well, and they are ready to stitch in place. 

At this point I was done. I need to trim the batting pieces after I do the stitching. I will also hand stitch the back sashing down after top stitching it. It is now ready for me to add the outer sashings. I was totally done for the day. 


Once again I was too tired to knit. I had taken Tylenol and was ready for bed. 


    Though I was extremely tired from all the pain and more tired after osteopathy, I did get through the day by staying busy. I did jobs I knew I could do and left those I knew I could screw up. Overall, I did a lot more than I had thought I would get done. 

    Some of the tiredness I have been having hasn't been the time change over. Some of it has been the pain of my hip being rotated forward and me pushing through to get things done. I realized that last night when the pain subsided from the treatment and the Tylenol. 

    I am still figuring out the new mouse. I have everything fixed so I can use the keyboard but still have to use control to get the menu to copy pictures, etc. I will eventually get it figured out. Or maybe never as this could be how this mouse works. 


I have to clean house this morning and try to get to the quilt shop close to me to buy thread for the dog bags. I have none that is close to the coppery colour. I will need 2 colours and then will use a cream colour for the rest of the bag. I will work on the bags today as I need to finish cutting them out and start sewing them. Tonight I hope to knit. A busy day for me. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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