Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Another Busy Day

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of about 26C (humidex 30C). This morning it is cloudy and 14C. Today is suppose to be nice in the morning with rain this afternoon. The high is suppose to get to 23C (humidex 28C).


I forgot to hit the publish button so there are 2 posts today. I ended up being in a rush to get out the door.

I went to New Minas yesterday and stopped at Home Depot. I got spackle to patch small marks in the walls I am going to paint. I also got paint. The person working the paint department spent the extra time to get me an exact match to the colour I have on the basement/front entry walls. I so appreciated what she did. I have the card so it can be mixed again when I need more paint. 

I did do a load of laundry and it is ready to fold today. Other than tidy up the kitchen, I spent any extra time resting my hip. It really helped as there is less pain in the muscles today. The best I have felt in a long, long time. I am talking two to three years. 

I looked at this welcome sign daughter gave me for Christmas several years ago. I took the burlap ribbon off it as it was dirty. 

I am hoping to buy denim blue ribbon and some white flowers to go on it. It goes on the wall by the coat closet and is quite cute. I held it up to the grey wall and it goes well on it. 


I was down to the sewing room yesterday. I put away some items that I am not using and swept the floor. It was dusty and had a lot of thread on it. I cleaned up some of the cutting table and started to lay out projects I need to finish. 

I did sew some on the cat quilt. I got the quilting done on the two vertical sashings. I also cut out the outer sashings and pinned one on so I can work on it today. 

I have decided to finish it first and hand sew the binding on when I have a bit of time in the afternoons. 

I also starched the fabric for the sashings for the Scandinavian Winter quilt. I am now ready to finish it when the cat quilt is done. This quilt will be taken to the long arm quilter to be finished. 

I was to the quilt shop yesterday and bought the white fabric for the Irish Chain quilt. I did not see what I had thought I had seen so I bought a white on white paisley design which goes well with the blue William Morris print. I also bought the fabrics for the rabbit I am going to make. I will be setting it aside until December. 


I knit while I watched tv last night. The body of the sweater is done. 

I was worried about not having enough yarn but there will be plenty for the sleeves. 

The sweater will fit big on the doll which is fine as the little girl I saw in Sweden had on a sweater that was too big for her. I now need to get the dress pattern and make the dress. 


    I finally figured out (or had the aha moment) that people store their seasonal decor in their unfinished basements or sheds. My basement is finished which I love even if it leaves me with little storage space. My shed is full of items for the yard and I have no room in there for bins. I love looking at what others have to decorate their homes even though my house will not have those kind of decorations in it. I admire people who spend time decorating their houses for the seasons. 

    I am looking forward painting the house. I know it is going to snowball with me wanting to do more and more. It also feels overwhelming as I need to do so much to update this house. I have broke it down into parts and will focus on what I will do first. Though I am painting in the living area of the house first, I will be sewing for my bedroom. I have a vision for that room and not the living room. The only given is that the upstairs will be grey and my colour will be a denim blue. I know I will have no accent walls in the rooms. 

    I am amazed at how fast fall is arriving this year. The garden and flowers are maturing off and I will be cleaning them up over the next while. Most mornings are cool which is nice though the afternoons can be warm and humid. The hydrangeas are turning to pink meaning they have matured. Summer is almost gone. 


I have a long list of items to do today. Garbage, folding laundry, spackle walls, clean bathroom, and do laundry. I will see how much I get done and what will be done tomorrow. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. I am planning on having one busy day. 

Until the next time.............................................................................

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