Sunday, August 25, 2024

Wine Bottle Bag Almost Finished

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 26.5C (humidex 29C). This morning it is clear and 13C. Today we are suppose to have a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 27C (humidex 30C). 


Yesterday morning I was out on the deck cleaning up the pond and putting it away for winter. I also cleaned up the two tables I have and took them over to family's for the bbq. I helped set up the chairs and get the tables ready for the food. I also disinfected the counter tops in the second unit kitchen. It helped daughter-in-law to get ahead. 

Once home, I decided to start cleaning the coat closet and got side tracked to change a light bulb in the fan above the stairs. Job done and back on track to cleaning. I turfed everything out of the closet and gave it a good cleaning. I put back only what I am keeping and trashed the rest (yes it was trash). I washed the doors on both sides and then sat for 2 minutes to decided on what to wipe down next. A plan formed in my head. 

This area is what I am going to paint so I started at the doors and washed the walls around to the wall with the picture on it. I also scrubbed the baseboard and the door trim. It is now ready for me to do a bit of patching and painting. I got the job done by noon. 

The bbq was enjoyable and lots of fun. I enjoyed visiting with everyone and had a good talk with grandson's soccer coach/trainer about soccer in Sweden. We ate lots of great food that daughter-in-law made and son cooked the hamburgers that were delicious. Desert was fruit and a dish from Brazil (mixture of condensed milk and cocoa powder). Several of us left about 8 pm. I was getting tired and my hip was sore. But it was a great evening. 


With the wine bottle bag design in my head, I headed down to cut it out and make it. I made the piping for it also. 

The lining is a beige with beige maple leaves on it. In the stash ready to be used up. I have some of it left for another project but the dog fabric is sewn up with the useless scraps in the trash. 

All I have left to do is hand sew the opening in the lining, give it a good press and add a ribbon to it. I did it and the parcel is ready to be shipped tomorrow. Hurrah. 


None done last night. 


    My hip is strong enough for me to stand on the ladder and paint some every day. I am working on keeping it strong and healthy by being active. I can't get the paint and spackle until Tuesday or Wednesday so I will wash the walls in the hall when I have the time. I also have yard work to do. It is a wonderful feeling being able to do more with less pain. 

    With the items ready to ship to daughter, I can get back to finishing up the quilts. I am looking forward to getting them done. I have more sewing to do but those quilts will be done first and off the list. I am going to enjoy finishing them as there is no immediate time line for them to be done. Back to stress free sewing. 


I have to do the balance sheet, fold laundry and wash the sheets on my bed. I will do some kitchen clean up also. I have to go to family's to get my deck chairs and tables. I want to finish the wine bottle and get it into the box to ship tomorrow. I also want to knit tonight. Time to work on the sweater and get it done. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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