Sunday, August 18, 2024

What A Soccer Game

 Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 27C (humidex 30C). This morning it is foggy and 15C though it was 13C at 4 am. Today is to be mainly cloudy with a high of 25C (humidex 31C).


I was out the door at 8:45 am to be at family's house. We were going to watch grandson's team play in the provincial finals against a team from Truro. We went in the old highway as we had time and could have the windows open (still no air conditioning). I enjoy that trip as it is scenic. 

We got to the soccer pitch about an hour early and went to sit on chairs between the bleachers. We got settled and watched grandson's team warm up. They had a team plus 2 spares. The visiting team had enough players for almost two teams. 

The game was a nail biter. Grandson's team got off to a slow start and the visiting team scored a goal. Grandson's team gained momentum and it became a nail biting game. We cheered, hollered words of encouragement, and cheered some more. My learning curve in Sweden payed off as I understood the game and what was happening more. 

In the second half, grandson's team scored two goals with grandson giving the ball to the players who scored. He was playing to his maximum and it was showing. He was talking to the players and was getting players talking to him. He ran hard, played smart, and was really focused. Sweden did him good. His team mates played hard and smart also. The visiting time was getting tired and you could see them pushing themselves. 

The game ended and the visiting team decided to fight grandson's team. One player was punched and he got two bad scratches on his neck.. They moved to the keeper (goalie), grandson, and another player. It resulted in one of the visiting team players getting a red card and he can't play today. Several yellow cards were handed out to players of both teams. We sat in shock as this came out of the blue.

Grandson's coaches grabbed their players and walked them down the side of the pitch we sit on clapping to all the parents from both teams. We clapped for the players. He was making sure his club left the pitch with dignity. 

We gathered up our stuff and walked to the end of the pitch to wait for grandson. We thank the refs for a job well done. They had reffed fairly throughout the whole game. The boys came over and talked about what happened. They didn't know why it happened as it wasn't brewing during the game. The visiting team left the pitch without looking or talking to anyone. I am sure they had been talked to about the incident. 

Grandson was told he played awesome by his coach and got carb up and drink lots of fluid. We went to a burrito place and grandson inhaled 6 tacos. He would eat more carbs when we got home. 

I was tired when we got home as the adrenaline rush was gone. I sat and watched You Tube and relaxed until bedtime.


I didn't sew yesterday but I did watch 4-5 videos on how to make Luna Lapin

I am going to start her in December and try to finish her and a few pieces of clothing in January. I decided to work on something different next year. 


I knit on the socks as I bing watched how to make Luna. They are done to doing the kitchener stitch. 

Daughter-in-law will get them as part of her birthday gift next Saturday. 

Now to decide on what to make next. No shortage of projects but l need to decide. 


    I have made a list of what I need to do today and I don't feel so overwhelmed. I know I can do cleaning while laundry is on and have everything done by lunch time. I will make Monday's list later today. I feel more focused on what I need to do to get the house cleaned up. 

    I walked around the garden last night and I need to pick tomatoes and cucumbers tonight. I will deliver them on Tuesday to family. The banana peppers are turning yellow and there are a few more jalapeño peppers getting big. I will have to do a pepper haul sometime next week. 

    I am still working on how I am going to sew more of the stash. I need to get more sewn each month. I am going to make more gift bags and wine bottle bags to sell at the craft bazaar which may not happen until next year. I do not have enough inventory at this time. I also want to think of more ideas to sew the fabric in the stash. I want ideas that I can may without having to put a big price tag on them. My goal is to sell at a reasonable price while I use up the fabric I have. 

    I have to work on the memory book this fall as the people will be here for Christmas and I want to give it to them then. I stalled due to the craft area being a mess and now I need to find a video to complete a project. I may have to set aside a bit of time each day to work on it. 


I have to do laundry, clean the dining room, and do the balance sheet. This afternoon I want to quilt the fronts of the bags. Tonight I will finish the socks and think about the next project I want to work on. A busy day at home. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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