Sunday, August 04, 2024

More Yarn Bought

 Good Morning from Halmstad. Yesterday was another lovely sunny day with a high of about 22C. This morning it is cool and wet; yes it has rained. I opened the door to listen to a bit of thunder which is not close. Today is suppose to be wet. 

Yesterday morning was down time for me. After a day of walking almost 10 km, I need to rest my hip. It does get tired.  Daughter-in-law and grandson went to the mall. I spent my time doing some internet searches and laundry. 

The washer has been easy to learn how to use. The dryer has been something else. The clothes would not dry and the dryer would shut off after a short time. Yesterday the short time was less than a minute. It was frustrating to have that happen and a red light on. It set me to thinking. I cleaned the lint trap. I fluffed the clothes thinking something was off center. The red light would not go off. I finally saw a handle and pulled it out. It was a container full of water. I had an Aha moment. I emptied it and the dryer worked like a charm. The dryer is not vented and the moisture from the clothes drying goes into this container. We now know to empty it after each load even if it is only 30% filled. One more appliance figured out. And it is a great dryer if you know how to use it.

After lunch, daughter-in-law and I walked to the yarn shop. It is a shop which has fabrics, notions, and yarn. We did a thorough look through the yarns and I got two different yarns for socks. 

The Step yarn is for socks for daughter. It is sock yarn (100% wool). The blue is for me and is cashmere wool. 

I did look at the fabric but nothing spoke to me. There was home decor, some knits, and some cottons. The store was empty and the owner was working on curtains. I have a feeling that people don't sew or knit too much during the summer. It is also a bit out of the way for tourists to find when visiting Halmstad. At this time, I am done buying yarn as I have enough for 3 pairs of socks and some extra for the dolls. 

On our way home, we stopped at the grocery store for some snack food. We have been in the store before so we had an idea of how it was laid out. They have some good marketing strategies. In the chip aisle, they have the dried chip dip mix on a rack and right beside it they have a tiny cooler with sour cream in it. What we are finding is that most of the flavours we like are not as strong as at home or are very spicy. No in-between. I did have an ice cream bar to eat on the way home and it was good. We walked 2.1 km yesterday. 

Grandson and daughter-in-law rode on scooters yesterday. They are more expensive to use than a bus ticket. But they had the experience of doing it which is important. 

Talked to son last night and the deer have visited the garden again. They have eaten lots once again. I will be fencing the boxes next year. With so much development in the area and an increase in the deer population, they are now munching in my garden at night. He sprayed the plants, once again, with the repellant.

My searching on the internet had me figure out (by accident) the next quilt I am going to make. 

I have the dark fabric and was wanting to look for white quilting cotton. Quilting is not a large traditional craft in Sweden though they do have an active guild. There are also quilt shops and they seem to sell what we can buy at home. 

I knit on the socks last night and have over half the leg knit. They may get finished before we leave for home but I am not counting on it. Once home, I will settle into my old routine and knit every night. 


We are suppose to go and watch a game at 1 pm. I am not sure what else we will do today as it is wet. What ever we do, we will be wearing our rain coats and taking our umbrellas. 

Until the next time........................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Carol in Denver2:39 PM

    I'm enjoying reading about your travel adventure. I love the Irish Chain quilt pattern so looking forward to your work on that quilt.
