Saturday, January 20, 2024

Sock #1 Finished

 The weather continues to be cold though the sun shone a lot yesterday. The high got to -4.1C. This morning it is -9C and we had a skiff of snow fall during the night. We are to have a mainly cloudy day with lots of snow flurries. The high is to get to -3C. 


I didn't do yoga yesterday morning but did do some stretching exercises during the day and a bit of yoga at family's last night. I tried on of daughter-in-law's poses which I can do. She tried one of mine and found relief in her sore spot. We probably did yoga for almost 10 minutes on the floor. It was a fun session. 

I made a big pot of soup yesterday. I got 7 meals out of it. I also made 3 meals of pulled pork which included rice and vegetable. It was a lot of work but I have more meals in the freezer. I was done at noon and had the kitchen cleaned up and the dishwasher running. By 4 pm I had all the food in the freezer, dishwasher unloaded, and things ready for today. 

I was out to family's for dinner last night. I picked up grandson from school and we had a nice chat on the way to his place. We had a lovely dinner of spaghetti and meat sauce and I came home with 6 more freezer meals. I was home early as grandson had to be in the city for soccer last night. I did enjoy my time with them. 

Elliott loves to watch TV. He spent time last night watching one of the videos I was looking at. 

He tolerates me putting my knitting in his space but last night he didn't care as what ever was on TV was more interesting. 

Sewing and Crafting

I spent a long time in the sewing room yesterday afternoon. I got row 3 quilted. 

I have started to do some stretches after I sew for 45 minutes. I have 2 I can do sitting on the chair. It really helps keep the muscles from knotting up. I was about half done the quilting when I did the first set and then did the 2nd set when I was done. 

I am now ready to sew row 3 onto the main part. 

I did look at the journal yesterday and I am not sure what to do with the never ending book. It needs something behind the wrapping paper and the characters. Black stock card looks great but I keep asking if the book will be too thick. I will cut the pieces from scraps and see if it works. Thank goodness for the tape I have that allows me to move things around. 

I was in a panic as I couldn't find some pictures I had downloaded. I finally found them and put them into the proper file folder. Once I finish the never ending book, I want to start signature 2. I can go back and finish pages when I get the main parts of the other signatures done. I am focusing on getting the main pages done. The remaining pages will have some fun things done using ideas that are being done on a YouTube channel right now. 

I am also needing to buy a skein of embroidery floss so I can do another counted cross stitch picture. This one is a nativity scene which will go in signature 2. 


I did a lot of knitting last night and the first sock is done. 

I told grandson last night about the socks and he is happy to get another pair to keep his feet warm. He loves wool socks in the winter. 


    I figured out why I get cold so easily. My feet sweat and then get cold. That results in me getting cold all over. I need to change my socks mid afternoon. I do need warmer clothes to wear in the winter which is on the list to buy when I go to Sackville. 

    It has been 15 days since I have bought anything other than groceries and pay bills. I am using up food in the pantry and freezer which is good. I have not missed buying fabric or craft items. I have plenty to work with in the house. I do find staying at home a bit boring some days but am out once or twice a week with physio/osteo/massage. Not the same as visiting with family and friends which I need to do at least once a week.

    I enjoyed the sunshine yesterday. I had all the curtains open so the house could be flooded with brightness. I will certainly miss it today as will Elliott. He slept in the warmth of the sun yesterday. 


I need to do yoga this morning and then do some cleaning and a load of laundry. This afternoon I want to work on the quilt and figure out the never ending book. Tonight I hope to knit on sock #2. I may go out to see my friend. We haven't had a good visit for over a week.

Until the next time........................................................................

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