Wednesday, January 10, 2024

More Done On Elliott's Quilt

 Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day with a high of -1.8C. This morning it is snowing and blowing and -3C (windchill -8C). We are to have snow this morning, rain this afternoon, and lots of wind. The high is to get to 8C. 


Yesterday morning I did yoga and had some cracking. That felt good. I did push my stretches to help my sore/tight areas. It seems to help as I feel pretty good this morning. Yesterday I was sore due to the storm coming in. Not bad just annoying. 

I cleaned my bedroom yesterday and am happy it has been dusted, swept, mopped, and smelling fresh again. I was able to take the bedside rugs out and shake them hard. I did enjoy the sun and fresh air while doing that. 

I was out to the grocery store and got a few groceries and my prescriptions. It was busy as people were out shopping due to the storm coming in. I'm glad I went early as it would be very busy later in the day. 

I have renewed my WW membership for another year and will change from digital to in person later on. I need to see the doctor for a note stating my goal weight as he does not want me to loose another 17 lbs. We have talked about that already. 


I spent most of the afternoon in the sewing room. My goal was to finish the back of row 2. I did accomplish that with most of the time spent hand sewing. 

I label each row after it is done so I know the blocks will nestle correctly when I sew the rows together. Once done that I prepped row 1 so I can turn under the seam allowance and hand sew the seams down down. 

I watched the introduction video to January's course on Sewing With Cinnamon. The second video is on how to make a gymnastic's mat. I don't think I will make it as I don't do props. 

I have been watching videos on doing different types of pages for journals. I want to put a few of them into the Charlie Brown Christmas book. I need to make a decision on which one of two I want to make. It will be for the snowman page. 


I knit 5 rounds on the socks, realized I made a mistake. I was not only decreasing the gusset stitches but was decreasing the top of the sock. I unknit 3 rounds, fixed my mistake and knit back to 5 founds done. I was done by bedtime. 


    I am slowly changing how much I eat at noon (more) and dinner (less). I was a bit hungry last night but know I will get use to it. This is what happened when I decreased the amount of protein I was eating. I did eat lightly yesterday but did enjoy the soup I bought. 

    I am finding cleaning the rooms has become easier now that I have decluttered them. I don't have to worry about sorting through things and then clean up afterwards. I go in and tidy up and clean. So nice to be able to do that. 

    We are under two weather warnings today. One is for high winds and the other for heavy rainfall. We could be without power though I am ready for that. I have made a decision not to put out recycling until late this afternoon. It may not go out until tomorrow morning depending on the wind. I can go another 2 weeks if I make a decision not to put it out at all. 


I have yoga to do, stew to make, kitchen to clean, and laundry to fold (if no power). I want to finish row 1 of the quilt so I can start quilting it. If the power goes out, I can put together the trolley and do some organizing of paper crafts. If power is on tonight, I will knit. If not, I will knit by flashlight which is harder to do. In all, it could be an interesting day. 

Until the next time........................................................

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