Saturday, January 27, 2024

Having A Plan Is Helpful

 Yesterday was a grey day and it got darker as the day went on. Snow started to fall lightly around 4 pm and it snowed for quite a few hours. The high got to -2.1C. This morning it is -2C but not snowing. We are a high of 2C with who knows what for the day. Snow, rain? Who knows.


I did yoga first thing yesterday morning. I noticed that with the muscles more relaxed, I can do a bit more before I feel the stretch. My hip can be sore but it can be pain free while doing the moves. My knee is still stiff but not as bad as it was. 

I was out to get groceries and basically stuck to my shopping list. Trying to use up what I have is working. I am seeing some bare spots in the pantry and the freezer has less in it. Hurrah for that. 

I did a bit of housework before lunch but did feel tired. The IBS attack really left me tired. I also haven't been sleeping well either as I worry about things too much. Did it last night again. Also the plow woke me up doing the road but I am not complaining about that. The salt truck was here at 7 am so we will have wet roads later this morning. My neighbour is out snow blowing his driveway so I assume he will be opening the end of my driveway where the snow plow rolled snow into it. 

Sewing and Crafting

I did sew yesterday and got 2 more mug rugs done for the craft bazaar. They are quite nice as I was able to fussy cut the print without wasting fabric. 

The back fabrics are different as I ran out of the grey. I used 2 scraps of the print that were folded in with the main fabric. 

I'm okay with this as I plan on selling them singularly with a discount if someone wants to buy 2. That way they can choose any 2 they want. 

I also spent some time finishing the never ending book. I am so glad it is done and works smoothly. 

I pressed it with the iron and put books on it to flatten it out. While that was happening, I made the bottom tuck for the book. I still need to add something to the tuck as it is very plain and boring. 

I have a few things to still do on this signature but will be moving on to the next one. I need to plan it - what do I need to put in for cartoons, pictures, cross stitching, etc and how will they be held onto the pages. This means reading the story and planning out ideas. 

I worked on the counted cross stitch cat picture. I started the lace cloth the cat is lying on. Two rows were done which was great. 

I am enjoying watching this picture evolve. It is such a simple project to do. I am still using the Aida cloth that I found in the stash and have enough left for a few more small projects. 


I knit more last night and have 13 rows left to knit before I decrease the crown. I will measure it before I do any more so I don't knit it past 7.5" in length. 

This hat has knit up fast!


    Though we got snow, it didn't seem to snow as hard as I thought it would. I do know I will be out shovelling the driveway this morning. I am ready to do the job as I will be doing that rather than yoga. 

    I am grateful for great neighbours who help me with my driveway when it is plugged full of snow. I can do the main part easily but it is quite the job shovelling the snow rolled in from the road. 

    Grocery shopping was a bit of a challenge but I forced myself to stick to the list I had made. I had included a couple of items so I wouldn't go looking for food and choose something I really didn't need. Next week I plan on buying what I need to make a stew so I can freeze some of it. I do enjoy having meals in the freezer as I can make some recipes I like and not worry about them making too much. 

    I have enjoyed making things using what I have. It has forced me to be more prepared and organized. Cutting out several projects to sew after I finished the quilt was nice. I will do that again. I am also forcing myself to use up the paper craft supplies I have on hand. It is working quite well for me overall. 


I have to shovel snow this morning. This afternoon I want to work on the doll's track suit and add a few things to the last tuck I made. I also want to cross stitch and knit. I don't plan on going out at all today. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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