Sunday, November 12, 2023

Progress On The Shirt and Vest

 Yesterday had less sun and more light showers. The high got to 5.5C. This morning it is 2C. We are to have a mix of sun, clouds, and showers today with a high of 3C. It is hard to believe it was 20.6C this time last year. 


Yoga was done and I am happy to be doing them most days. I am feeling much better and am learning to relax in most poses. 

I got about half of the living room cleaned yesterday. The last 2 blankets were laundered, furniture and ledges wiped and the floor mopped. Just need to move the couches and finish up. 

I wanted to walk yesterday but every time I was ready it was raining lightly. One time tiny ice pellets were hitting the windows. No one was out walking so I did some walking in the house. 

The fourth box to go across Canada was packed and is ready to tape shut. Just one box left to go and I will be done. Then on to doing the remaining presents for family here. Once done, I will tidy up the spare bedroom. Right now the bed is full of presents that need to be wrapped. 

Elliott was in a foul mood yesterday due to the lack of sleep. Last evening he was grabbing my arm and shaking it. I grabbed him after he refused to stop and cuddled him for a few minutes. He relaxed and laid quietly on the couch beside me. Hopefully he will have a good nap today.


I hand stitched the collar in place and then topped stitched it. I am ready to start on the sleeves after I do some serging. The sleeves are laid out ready to work on. 

I cut two pieces of rip stop nylon for the meat slicer cover. One piece has two huge red marks on it. Both were dingy and dirty. I had found this fabric under a table living with the dust bunnies. I laundered the two pieces and they came out white. Unfortunately the red marks didn't come out so they must be dye. I can use that piece to line grocery bags with. The remaining 3+ meters is on a shelf as it will make great lining for grocery bags. 


I got the neck ribbing knit on the vest. I can now sew up the left shoulder seam. 

Next up are the armholes. 


Yoga this morning and then the balance sheet. I would like to finish cleaning the living room area I need to serge the serge all the seams on the shirt and start on the sleeves. I hope to walk today if it isn't wet. I would like to set up one armhole and start knitting it tonight. 

Until the next time...............................................

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