Saturday, November 11, 2023

A Morning Out

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds where it felt like there was more clouds than sun. The high got to 8C. This morning it is 5C and the high is to get to 4C with a mix of sun, clouds, and showers. 


Yesterday I did yoga first thing and things are starting to get stretched and aligned. I have less stiffness and it feels funny being able to bend my knee with no pain. When I do one exercise, the limited movement is in my hip.  

I started folding laundry when daughter-in-law texted and off we went to New Minas to shop. I got a picture frame for a card I love and some bag stuffers. We had a great time talking, snoop shopping, and enjoying ourselves in 2 stores. 

After lunch, I picked up where I had stopped in the house. I got the laundry folded, a load of blankets washed and dried, floors swept, and some areas wiped down. I ended my cleaning by putting the card into the frame and setting it on the bedside table. 

I now need to find a bowl/vase to put a few artificial flowers into. 

I picked up Elliott's brush and he was on the couch in a flash to be groomed. I took a huge handful of hair out of him and he wasn't finished with me grooming him. Later in the afternoon, I repeated the process and he was one happy boy. He has a lot of undercoat that needs to come out but grooming him does flare up my cat allergy. 


I didn't sew yesterday as it was important to get the house work done. 


During the late afternoon, I sewed the right shoulder together and measured every 4" and marked it. After dinner, I picked up the stitches knowing I needed 19 stitches between the markers. I got it done in one setting. I was dreading it but it wasn't that bad. 

There are 7 rows of ribbing to be done with a couple of rows of decreasing at the center front. I'll knit away on it so I can start on the armholes and finish this sweater in the next 10 days. The side seams will take the longest as I will have to be extra careful sewing them up. I can sew up knit stitches but have to think when doing purl rows. 


I need to do yoga first thing and then work on cleaning upstairs. I hope to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. I'd like to bundle up and go for a short walk this afternoon also. I need to get back into walking on a regular basis. 

Until the next time.....................................................................

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