Saturday, October 29, 2022

A Great Day

 Though very sunny and bright, it was cool yesterday. The high got to 10.2C. By 9 pm, it was 4C and this morning it is -1C. We are to have more sunshine today with a high of 14C. 


I had physio with a new therapist yesterday. We cut back on the amount of gym work I did due to a week of soreness. Riding the bike helped loosen my knee. I did less of pulling 20 kg while walking but even that felt good. When doing the stretches, we noticed that turning my knee outwards hurts so that will be worked on. Before getting the current and heat, she pulled the sore leg gently several times to stretch it. That was wonderful as the pain was almost gone. 

After getting groceries and eating lunch, I fell asleep on the couch. I was tired and almost pain free so I let myself sleep for 90 minutes. When I woke, I did a bunch of walking the length of the house and noticed my gait was much better. Going up and down the stairs was easier. 

I found the dish I wanted for the Christmas decoration. I was excited as it is white and a different shape than I had anticipated. I'm glad I was hung up on a certain idea for the dish as this one is just perfect. 

The house was 16C this morning so I put on the heat. Elliott got up on his dining room chair and is enjoying the warm air blowing over him while he sleeps. 


The shoes are done and I'm quite proud of them. They fit the doll a bit on the big side so I got out the socks I knit about 7 or 8 years ago. Yes, they have a turned heel and gusset. They are a bit rustic which goes with this outfit. 

I am really happy that this outfit is now complete. 

It took a long time but I got a lot of satisfaction working on it piece by piece. 

Next up is to finish the Regency Outfit. I will be puttering on it over the next while. I need to make bloomers, knit a shawl, and crochet a parasol to complete it. 

The fabrics for the placemats were ironed but not starched. I'm still deciding if I will starch them but probably will. The board fabric is amazing when laid out. They will look amazing on daughter's dark table. 


I spent a lot of time on the sweater last evening, mainly unknitting as the pattern was right. I didn't do yarn over to make the lacy pattern in two areas throwing the pattern off. Once corrected I got that part done and am now increasing for the arms. I wonder how many times I have to redo the next pattern. No pictures of it at this point. I didn't crochet on the parasol as I ran out of time. 


I have to do the budget, fold laundry, and sweep upstairs floors. I want to start the placemats today and knit tonight. The goal is to stay home for the next couple of days as I don't need anything at this time. 

Until the next time................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Your physical challenges are similar to mine so I appreciate your sharing what is helpful to you so I can try things out myself. Also, the detail in the doll clothes you make is incredible and lovely.
