Saturday, October 08, 2022

Making Things Final Hurts

Yesterday was cloudy most of the day with a high of 19.7C. We did see a bit of sunshine in the late afternoon. This morning, it is 13C and we are to have sunshine, clouds, and showers with a high of 17C. Frost warning for tonight. 


Before heading out for physiotherapy, I got a load of laundry done and in the dryer. I had an extra 30 minutes at home and decided laundry it was. 

I had another intense session at physio. I rode the bike for 15 minutes and it hurt my knee for the first half. I am riding faster now to help strength everything. The other exercise I did was a walk forward and back lifting weights. I did well on the sore knee as it is my dominant side. My non-dominate side is weak and we will be working on that. After some stretches and bends, I got the current put on my back with a hot water bottle on top. I was tired when I got done. 45 minutes of exercise and 15 minutes of heat and pulsating on the back. 

When home, I folded the laundry and put it away. I was tired as I hadn't been sleeping well. I did push myself and got a few things done before lunch. 

In the late afternoon, I headed out to the county office to get the water and land taxes put in my name. The property is now in my name through land registry so the others will happen next week. I have 4 things left to do; three next week and one at the end of the month. Not too bad. Life insurance will arrive when it arrives but they are under review now. It makes me sad as putting everything in my name makes things final. I miss the Spousal Unit so much it hurts most days. 


I did do some sewing yesterday. The second sleeve was put in to the Soutache dress and the sleeve bands sewn in place by hand. 

The lining was cut out and almost ready to be sewn on to the bodice. Hand sewing the bodice at the armholes will be the hardest part. Such a small area to work in. 

I have been thinking about doll sewing for next year. I want to make a doll's outfit that has under garments and outer garments that go together. I am going to call this a slow sew as it won't be done in a month but over several months. I got my inspiration from Lemon Bay Doll whom I follow on Facebook and Instagram. It started out when she made Queen Victoria's wedding dress and then Jane Eyre's wedding dress. She is now doing an outfit on Reimagining Addy Walker. 

This couture doll seamstress researches each of the outfits she makes and this one is no different. She has teamed up with The Paper Costumier as she reimaged Addy and her clothes at 26 years old. The one thing I'm impressed with is that Lemon Bay Doll has had the fabric made to specs. That is what I call research. I can't wait to read her next post on the undergarments. 

I really want to make a complete outfit which will include undergarments, dress, hat, and overgarment. 


I had great intentions of knitting last night and promptly fell asleep on the couch. I was tired from not sleeping well the past few nights.


My goal is to start doing a deep clean in the living room. I would like to put the lining in the bodice of the Soutache dress and start hemming grandson's school pants. I would love to knit tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................

1 comment:

  1. Day by day. Wishing you moments of forgetting how much it hurts in your days.
