Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Soutache Embroidery Completed

 Yesterday was warmer with lots of sunshine and a high of 14C. This morning it is 1.5C. We are to have sunshine and 17C. 


I was out the door early to do computer stuff. I gave them my old one, kept my new one and got an adaptor so I can use USB items on the new computer. 

While out, I got a few groceries I needed and on the way home, I had a weepy spell. I sat at the quilt shop and dried my eyes. They weren't open which was good. I then stopped to get daughter her candle. 

At home, I was sad for part of the day. It was just a passing spell of grieving for the Spousal Unit. I was over it by late afternoon. 

I didn't uncover the plants yesterday as I wanted them to be warm under the blankets with the sun shining on them. I will remove them today as the nights are to warm up. Our little spell of cool weather has passed for now. 

My knee is improving and I did the exercises twice yesterday and walked the length of the house several times. I am also stretching both legs a lot more as the sore one has become more limber. 


I spent some time in the sewing room working on the Soutache dress. I got the embroidery done and I'm loving it. 

While the bodice was stitching I did the pleats on the skirt. I am pleased with how it looks. The bodice is ready for me to trim and cut out. I need to add about 3/8" to the bottom of the bodice pieces next and then start cutting it out ready to sew. 

I have been thinking about 2023's sewing and knitting. I will not be rushing to sew a 100 meters next year. I will sew what I can and be happy with that. I am also going to sew a complete outfit for a doll that is going to require I buy a pattern and fabric each month. I'm call it a slow sew as I won't work on it every day and when the piece is done I have to wait until the next month to continue on. The only piece of fabric I will buy is a piece of light weight linen in white (if I can find it). 


I did knit on the test sweater yesterday and had to put it down while I waited for the designer to reply to a mistake I found. It took a bit of time but I found it. She had the row designed to use 90 stitches when we only had 89 stitches. I found the mistake and she corrected it -- very easy to do. 

I love the yarn as it has the sparkly tinsel in it. 

I also did a few rows on the shawl while I waited for the correction to the sweater to be made. By the time I was done knitting, my hands were quite tired. 


I am off shortly to take grandson to school. I have done the label for the first box to go for free shipping which is wonderful. I want to do a package to the US also so I need to get at that this morning. I also need to vacuum and wash floors and remove blankets from the plants before I can work on the Soutache dress. Knitting tonight. Hopefully a busy day.

Until the next time.................................................................

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