Saturday, March 06, 2021

Purged The Doll Clothes

 Yesterday was not as windy but cold. The high got to -5.7C. The sun did shine. This morning it was -10C at 6 a.m. and there is flurries. Enough to add some whiteness to the deck and driveway. Today we could see -2C. We are tired of this weather but know that spring is late here. 


With little wind, we both relaxed and enjoyed the quietness. It was nice not to hear it beating against the house. The flurries are not as bad but we want sunshine and warmth. 

I made a big decision yesterday to give away most of the doll clothes I have made in the past 2 years. I sorted them and outfits I put into bags. All went into a reusable grocery bag and delivered to our hairdresser. She will pass them on to the little girl who has a doll and very limited clothes for her. 

As I sew, I will sort out the items I will give to the child and bag them up and put them into another bag. I may even make her a few items such as leggings and pants.

It gave me joy to share what I've made with a child who will play with them rather than having them sit in tubs doing nothing. 

There were 3 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. There are 3 people in the hospital with 1 in intensive care. An improvement from the day before. 


I spent some time cleaning the stash shelves. I went through all the quilting cotton and I have less than I thought I did. Most of it will be made into bags of some sort. It has revived me to sew it down. I also cleaned up the remaining shelves. Only a couple of pieces left the stash. I am hoping that I can start sewing for myself this fall.

I did two more sets of samples yesterday. One was the flat felled seam. I did the original seam (left) twice to get a good sample. 

The second sample was hems. I did a very tiny hem that I loved and will be doing it more when I am sewing. The second sample is for sheers but with matching thread it would work well for a lining. 

Next up is closures and I'm excited to start them. 

I got out the pattern for the knitting bag and laundered the fabric. It is ready to start when I have time. A pattern is coming out to test and it is one of the patterns I love. A redo and there will be more patterns to test also which are suppose to go with it. It will be a fast sew so I'm thinking of what I have to use. 


I put the buttons on the sweater, steamed it and did the photos.

It is a really cute set and I do like it in the variegated yarn. The curl in the scarf is really sweet and I will be making this scarf again. 

And the fit is perfect. 

I cast on and knit 20 row on it. It was another test pattern the designer wanted done quickly as she hasn't published in a year. I got behind but still wanted to make it. 


I am going to work in the sewing room this morning doing more cleaning; specifically the cutting table. We are going to family's this afternoon and I may knit tonight. I am a bit tired as I was up during the night with an IBS attack so may nap before we go over. 

Until the next time.................................................

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