Wednesday, March 17, 2021

A Trip To The Fabric Store

Yesterday was a cold one. The temperature in the morning was -12C and the wind blew making it feel like -21C. The high got to -5C and the wind was still blowing. The wind calmed down later in the evening. This morning it is -12C and the wind is calm. We could see 7C today.


We headed out to the respiratory therapist yesterday morning and I got a good report. We talked briefly about a new machine but I will wait until September before deciding. 

We stopped on the way home to get lunch and I enjoyed a wonderful fresh salad. After lunch, I had a short nap before doing a two loads of laundry. I was tired from listening to the wind blowing during the night.

There were 2 cases of the virus reported yesterday. Both are in the central health zone. 


There was a stop at the fabric store on the way home. I got fabric and heavy sew-in interfacing for the knitting bag. I also got buttons for the knitting project, and interfacing for the Spousal Unit's next shirt. The fabric I bought is a cross hatch in white and grey. The fabric line is called Dublin. It is one of my favorite fabrics as it adds texture without being loud.

As the store wasn't too busy (8 of us in it) I wandered around the quilting notions on my way to the fabrics. I found the rulers for quilting and bought the Shorty ruler. It is a start for me as I am looking forward to doing some quilting again when I get my new machine.

The fabric I bought has been laundered and I'm ready to work on the knitting bag this afternoon. 


I finished the neckline of the sweater and have started on the first sleeve. I had to unknit to the ribbing as I didn't see the increase rows. The sleeves are an easy knit so I'm assuming I will be sewing them into the sweater this weekend, if not earlier. 

When done, I'm not sure what I will be knitting next. There are no test patterns in the wings so I may pick up the daisy stitch sweater and continue working on it. 


The goal is to finish cleaning the bathroom this morning. This afternoon, I want to cut out the rest of the knitting bag and start sewing on it. Tonight is knitting. With the weather so cold, it is a perfect day to stay home. 

Until the next time................................................

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