Wednesday, March 03, 2021

More Purging, More Cleaning, More Sewing

Yesterday was not suppose to be what it was. The forecast was for sun and a few flurries. The sun did shine for a bit and then the flurries started. They continued and became snow. The wind howled and the snow blew and visibility was poor. The wind continued to blow all night and is still blowing today. The low yesterday was -15.6C. This morning it is -8C and we are to see -1C. 


We basically lived downstairs yesterday so we wouldn't hear the wind as much. It certainly grated on our nerves a lot. I will be happy when this storm is gone and am grateful there hasn't been a lot of snow fall. 

We are both tired of the cold weather and being cooped up. We need to get out for a day and enjoy ourselves. I am hoping that will happen sooner rather than later. 

Yesterday there was one case of the virus reported. It is amazing how many people are getting tested -- nearly 5000 in a day. People are taking this very seriously. Hopefully, our numbers will stay low while we all wait for our turn to be vaccinated. 


I did more work in the sewing room yesterday morning. I got the closet floor wiped down and organized. Though there is still too much in there, I am happy with how it looks. 

I put the tub of doll clothes patterns on the floor in front of the cardboard. I can see that it will be quite a while before I should buy fabric for the dolls. This was a good wake up call for me. 

Next I started on the stash shelving unit. I took everything off the bottom shelf in hopes that I could put 3 fabric containers on it. Not high enough. I sorted through the Christmas fabric and put what I wanted on the bottom shelf. I did put some into the donation pile. Beside the Christmas fabric will go the interfacing. I need to stop buying interfacing for a while. I have a near full bolt of interfacing I bought for rodeo clothes. I'm peeling off 5 meters to send to daughter for her shirts. 

The next shelf up got the 3 baskets. I took all the knit fabrics off the shelf and purged them. I kept what I wanted and the rest went into the pile for the thrift shop. I have about 30 meters of fabric gone at this point. I called it a day. 

In the afternoon, I sewed and finished the first of the Christmas dresses for the dolls.

As I've been sewing the dress, I've been reading the Couture Sewing course. It has made me look more critically at this dress. If I had made a muslin, I would have noticed that the shoulder seams should have been 3/8" at the neck going down to 1/4" at the shoulder. 

The cumberband is cute but the ties are too short to tie into a bow and they attach very poorly to the embroidered part. I will not be making it again. 

Though I'm being critical, I'm learning to have an eye on what is right for couture sewing for the dolls. 


The sweater is knit and ready for steaming and buttons. I did start the hat and have 3 rounds done on the band. 


We are heading out for haircuts this morning. When home, I'd like to fold the interfacing and put it back on the shelf. I'm not sure what I am sewing this afternoon but I may work on the couture sewing course as I have samples to do. Knitting tonight. 

Until the next time.........................................................

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