Sunday, July 26, 2020

Hot and Humid

Yesterday was a hot one with a high of 30C. With the humidity it felt more like 32C but really it felt hotter than that. We had a nice rain after lunch that drove the humidity up. This morning, the temperature was 20C. It looks like it could be sunny. It is going to be hot (28C) and humid. 


Yesterday was the Spousal Unit's birthday dinner. Daughter-in-law arrived at 8:30 to prep the vegetables while I got the prime rib roast slathered with a dry rub. It had to sit at room temperature for 4 hours. 
Once that was done, I cleaned the house. We set up the BBQ in preparation for the roast. After lunch, we put it on the rotisserie and started it for the low and slow cooking. It is an afternoon of babysitting it. Daughter-In-law and I sat outside part of the afternoon and then inside to cool off. Vegetables were put on and we ate the wonderful meal. 
My blood pressure is all over the place. The first reading is usually high and then it drops. I am doing 3 per sitting (twice a day) to get an average. I have been eating properly and drinking a fair amount of water. I've lost 2.4 lbs since Wednesday. Most of that is retained fluid. 
Yesterday was day 10 of no new cases of the virus. It has become an interesting topic as people want the borders opened to visit with families (no self isolation) vs keeping it shut. Then there is the mandatory mask topic. People are becoming complacent. 


I knit on the second sleeve and am ready to start shaping the top of the sleeve. Hopefully I can do more today on it. 


I have budget paper work to do and then hope to work on the sloper for the Gotz dolls. I need to get Take 5.4 ready to cut out and sew. Hopefully knitting tonight. 
Until the next time....................................

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