Thursday, July 30, 2020

Jigsaw Puzzle Solved - The Top of the Overalls are Done

Yesterday was another hot one. It got to 30C with a humidex of 36C. The humidity went down which is nice. This morning it was 16C at 6 a.m. and it is suppose to get to 30C again. They say the humidex will get to 38C and there are showers in the forecast. Oh lovely. 


It was another day inside with the heat. The Spousal Unit lasted a short time outside to pick a few grape tomatoes and water the garden. 
I did some laundry and made us a nice supper. Not a lot of housework is happening at the moment. 
We are at 2 weeks with no new cases of the virus. They announced a new death from several weeks ago. Mandatory masks starts tomorrow so hopefully it will help keep the cases to 0 or a few when the second wave starts. 


I worked on the bodice (top) part of the overalls for Anna. I read the instructions twice before I did any sewing. 
Sewing that part was easy as I left the pattern pieces on until I was ready to stitch the seam. At this point I have sewn 14 pieces of fabric together and top stitched the seams on the top section. Adding the facing to the bottom part was a bit hard but I used lots of pins. I then added the straps to the outer part and sewed it all to the facing. That part was easy. Anna was thrilled to try it on. 
I pressed the basted part, stitched it down and added the waistband outer and lining pieces. Now I am ready to do the pants part of the pattern. It may be finished today. 
I have made my list for August. I do have a couple of commitments so must spend some time in the sewing room. My July's sewing was tiny for me. I will have only sewn .9 meter this month. I accounted for that when I set my goals this year. I don't sew a lot in the summer due to the heat. I spend more time thinking and dreaming. This year it has been our guest room but in reality, I need to think about the basement and getting it decorated. 


I got the pieces pinned onto the board and all sprayed. It will be ready to sew together later today. I did knit a few rows on the slow sweater. It is coming along nicely now. 


With it being hot today, I am going to sweep the floors, sew, and knit. The a/c is already on upstairs and will be on in the basement shortly. Hopefully, this is the last day of the heat and we can get over being tired from the constant heat and humidity. 
Until the next time...............................

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