Sunday, July 12, 2020

More Work, Less Play

Yesterday was a warm, humid day. The high got to 26C with a humidex of 34C. It started to rain about 4:30 pm and it was a warm rain. This morning it is 22C with a humidex of 30C. We did have rain during the night and this morning. It is going to be humid day with showers. 


Yesterday was clean our bedroom. All the bedding was done, the floor swept and scrubbed on my hands and knees so the baseboard could be wiped. Furniture cleaned and window tracks scrubbed. It was a big job that took a lot of hours to do. But, it is done and there is no dusty smell in there. 
The deck stairs are done and our neighbor literally jumped up and down on them with no give. Job well done.  
The railing has been started on the stairs. 
We will be putting railing on soon. 
I have been quietly been working on my lifestyle. I have had a lot of pain some days when I shouldn't have had it. Other days I know why I am in pain. I decided to cut back on sugar and gluten. It has helped some with the pain. 
During this time, I worked on my why, what, and how to have a healthy lifestyle (aka loose weight). I've had my why for a long time but the lack of discussion on the what and how left me frustrated with WW. I needed to work through that by myself with a lot of reading and thinking. I have a decent plan in place. 
I also had to realize a few other things also. I am addicted to food, especially sugar and gluten. I am also insulin resistant. And finally, I can come up with a thousand and one excuses not to do what I really should be doing. I have a notebook, a pen, some post-it notes and I worked on a plan. It will evolve as time goes on. I'm back to loosing weight and am happy with my progress. 
There were no new cases of the virus yesterday. 


Rather than sew, I sat outside visiting with neighbors. It was a great afternoon of talking about a lot of things. 


I didn't start last night as I was tired. 


Some housework, sewing and knitting. Not committing as I'm not sure what is happening outside today. 
Until the next time..............................

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