Wednesday, July 03, 2024

The Hedge is Weeded

 Yesterday was a sunny warm day with a high of 26.4C (humidex 28C). This morning it is clear and 10C. Today is to be hot and sunny with a high of 29C (humidex 30C). 


It was, once again, over to empty the dehumidifier at family's. The morning humidity is running about 60-65% with the tank full. Evenings are 40% with about a half tank. This is my last morning as they will be home today. It has been a fun experiment. 

Once home, I grabbed my garden gloves and hoe and started to weed the hedge. I was about 2/3rds done when I hear a "hello". My neighbour had stopped in to visit. I haven't talked to him for quite a while. We had a good chat, looked at the garden, admired the Spousal Unit's rose bush, and he headed home (across the road). I went back to hoeing and finished the hedge by 9:30 am. It felt great to have the job done, be out in the cool morning, and visit with a friend. 

With the job done quicker than expected I gave myself the day off from doing housework. It was great to relax, move slow, and enjoy myself. It was just what I needed. 


One of the first things I did was watch some of the video on quilt as you go with a sashing.  I then cut out the 9 squares for the "blocks" of the quilt. Then it was cutting out the backing and batting. 

They are now stacked ready to pin together so I can quilt them. 

Next up was to sew the sleeves on to the Orange Blossom outfit. It was a lot of work getting the hems done, the seams serged, and the sleeve caps gathered. Tiny seams. I worked on one sleeve and got it in. I was a full 90 minutes prepping the sleeves and getting one in the bodice. 

The last thing I did was cut out and make the flying geese for Block 7. I did it wrong but it is staying like this. 

I laid them out and realized that I was to have a reverse of each block instead of the same. Grey center with cream wings and cream center with grey wings. Oh well, it looks fine and I did the exercise. The presenter did her layout wrong and it still worked. So will this once I get the layout the way I want it. Then they will be ready for me to sew together very carefully. 

The next two blocks have a lot of pieces and I am hoping I have enough fabric. I have used a lot of the fabric so far and am holding my breath that I have enough to finish the quilt. 


I finished the two hats last night. It wasn't a lot of work; more measuring to make sure I had the length correct. 

The remaining yarn is wound into balls and will be put into a box to use up or sell. I am now ready to finish the doll's sweater. 


    Getting outside and doing some yard work was the best thing I did. Not only did I get a lot of fresh air, I moved and did some work. I noticed I did not feel stagnant the rest of the day. My next outside job will be weeding around the shed and thinning the carrots. 

    We are going to have it quite warm for the next week. I will have to do outside jobs early in the morning and be inside the rest of the day. As long as we don't have a lot of humidity, I should be okay. I should also go outside for a bit each morning while it is cool and do a few things. 


Once I am done at family's, I am going to do more cleaning in the family room. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. Another day home as I don't need anything. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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