Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Moving At A Fast Pace

 Yesterday was cloudy for part of the morning and then sunny. We had a heavy shower in the late afternoon. The high got to 29.1C (humidex 38C). This morning it is cloudy and 21C (humidex 29C). Today is to be sunny with showers and a high of 30C (humidex 37C).


I was out to the pharmacy to find out about my prescriptions for travelling as my neighbour was working. They are ready to be refilled so I will do that late next week. We had a good chat as she is leaving for Newfoundland today. 

I was to osteopathy in the afternoon. I was happy to learn I am level and almost balanced. My adductor is tight and pulling my knee inwards. It is the cause of my poor gait. I could feel the work being done but a little pain is good. I left the appointment and came home as it was too hot to shop. 

On my way home, I could see a storm coming it. You could actually see the rain falling from the clouds. It started to rain and then it poured shortly after I got home. It cooled off a bit but it warmed up again. I did go out for a walk after the rain stopped. It was my .5km up and down the street. As I walked, I could see steam rising off the street. It was a hard walk due to the heat and humidity but I did it. 

I spent the evening with family. We have continued to delete things off the list that we have done. I am now down to travel insurance which is pricy but necessary. That and transportation (train/bus/tube) are all that is left to buy. Apps need to be put on my phone and I will be learning some basic Swedish. Then it is on to buying what I need to take and start packing. Lists galore are being made. I was tired when I got home and slept all night. 


I spent some time cleaning the cutting table. What a mess as I have projects done and going on it. I did tidy up quite a bit. I took the cushion cover and started to take it apart. The binding is off and I am now taking the back and front apart. I am going to redo it and put it away. I have the dog quilt to bring up and put into a shipping box. There is still lots to do in the room and I will work away at it as I sew. 

My projects this month will be what ever I can make. I will be buying the doll's dress pattern but don't know if I will make it before I go. I can do some other projects using up the dog's fabric. I have a bag and some wine bottle bags to make. I wait and see what can be done. 


I got the hat finished and need to try it on the doll to see if I will make another one. It is small which I remember now. If necessary, I will knit another one on larger needles. No pictures at the moment. 

Next up is to wind yarn and start socks. I am not sure if I am going to take my knitting with me. I would like to but only if I can fit it into my suitcase. 


    We are moving at a fast and furious pace at getting ready to go to Sweden. My head is spinning like crazy and I am glad I have lists galore to help keep me on track. I need to reprint 2 lists so I can start packing my bags. I need to make a list of what to buy. That starts today. 

    The heat is dragging all of us down. We are now starting day 3 of it. There has been little breeze to move the humidity out of the area. It has rained every day adding to the humidity. Hopefully it will be gone today so we can have a bit of a break. This type of heat is usual here and it has been hotter than this in the past. We have broke no records this time except for the rain that fell on Saturday. 

     I see osteopathy once more before I leave. I hope to see physio also. Between the appointments and walking, I would like to have the adductor muscle in better condition and my knee not turning inwards. We are now down to fine tuning where I hurt. So much better than trying to figure out what to tackle first. 


I have physio this morning and will be back home to work on a bit of housework and lists. This afternoon I hope to work in the sewing room (cleaning and cushion cover) and knit tonight. I do have to see my friend this afternoon and walk tonight. A busy day for me. 

Until the next time..............................................................

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