Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Doll's Skirt Makes An Outfit

 Though yesterday started out cloudy, the sun did shine. The high got to 27.9C (humidex 38). This morning it is cloudy (rain fell before 6 am) and 22C (humidex 31C). Today we are to have showers (heavy at times) and a high of 27 (humidex 35C). The heat warning has been lifted. 


I chose not to time my walk today but to get the mail. I have to walk up a hill which I haven't done yet. I walked 1.2 km and enjoyed it very much. The wind was cool which was nice. 

Yesterday I was busy laundering bedding and a load of white clothes. I got the bed made before dinner which is normal. Garbage was taken out to the curb and I did all of the recycling. I ended my spree by wiping the bathroom and sweeping all the floors. I finished just before noon. 

I did water the flowers on the deck in the morning and the flowers at the shed and the vegetables in the evening. Everything is growing like crazy. There will be enough tomatoes to feed an army.

The sweet banana peppers are producing. I found 3 or 4 good size ones and a few small ones on the plants. They were pruned by the deer so I am surprised at how much they have recovered in the past few days. 

The cucumbers are blooming and I can see tiny cucumbers forming. I am excited that things are really producing now. I am sure vegetables will be ready when I am gone so I will have to find someone to eat what son can't. 

Elliott was not feeling well during this heat wave. 

The house is air conditioned so he wasn't hot. He slept a lot and didn't want to be handled. He ate well and kept himself groomed. No accidents at all. Yesterday, he was alert and happy. He sat with me, wanted cuddles, begged for food, and called me when he jumped on the bed after dinner. I am hoping what he had is done. It was worrisome having him feeling off. 


I turned Block 8 around and am happier with it. It was annoying me the way it was. 

At least 2 of the moose have their feet on the ground. 

I also finished up Column A of the cat quilt. I have to hand sew the back seam in place which I will do today. 

I spent most of my sewing time making a skirt for the sweater set I knit. Setting the pleats took quite a bit of time. So worth it in the end. Nellie got to model it as she had been wearing the Laura Ingall Wilder outfit for over 2 years. 

She spent a lot of time admiring herself in the mirror.

There is enough fabric left to make a dress if I want to. 


I worked on the dress last night and got quite a bit done. 

There are 2 pages (about 12 rows) left to knit and then I can start on the sleeves. The colour is washed out in this picture. 


    It was great to see the heat wave is dissipating . It has been very taxing on everyone. Though we have had rain, it was warm rains which didn't help cool the air. There was very little wind which didn't help also. The wind is blowing good this morning and it will help move the humidity. It will take a couple of days for it all to leave. It will be nice to have cooler nights. 

    I have been worrying about the fires close to Ashcroft. They are having highs of 40C for quite a while now. There is a fire south of them which is out of control. Two or 3 fires were put out on the highway to Kamloops. I hope things cool off and they get rain soon. They don't need to live in fear of fires every summer as they have for the past 7 years. 

    I spent quite a bit of time reviewing the first 4 lessons on Duolingo and I am getting better at remembering more of the words. If I keep reviewing those lessons at least I will be able to greet people and ask for some food. I will continue on with another lesson and keep on reviewing. 


I am going to clean the downstairs bathroom this morning. If I have time, I will sweep the sewing room. This afternoon, I want to prep the next 3 blocks on the cat quilt and make the last block for the Scandinavian Winter quilt. I can then put those blocks away. Tonight I will knit on the dress. It is a stay at home day for me unless I need to go to family's. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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