Thursday, December 15, 2022

The Grinch

 Though the high only got to 1.3C, we had sunshine. Gorgeous sunshine. The wind blew until noon and then it calmed down. This morning, it is 3C, windy, and it has rained. The temperature is to remain at around 3C today and we are to have more rain or flurries. 


I chose to clean one half of the upstairs yesterday and started off in my bedroom. I pushed and shoved the mattress as it needed rotating. I really hurt after doing that but kept moving until I had the 2 bedrooms, hall and bathroom cleaned. I was literally exhausted from doing it and I hurt all over. I had an hours rest while I ate lunch. 

With the sun shining in the house, I opened all the curtains and used the solar power to heat the house. At 9 pm I realized I had turned off the heat upstairs and the house was a tad cool at 18.5C. I didn't notice until then it was cool. 


I spent a couple of hours in the sewing room even though I was sore. I did the buttonholes on the towel toppers and can sew the buttons on. I have to find more of the microfibre towels and make myself some as they are nice. Pictures when they are done. 

I started the gift bag for son. The embroidery file is well digitized and stitched out perfectly. 

The pattern I am using for the bag is this one by Charmed By Ashley. I used the Grinch's Head from Embroidery Library (the sale price changes every day at the moment). You can't see the white on the hat very well due to the light filtering through the fabric. It needs to have the handles attached and lined. I am using left over fabric from other projects for this bag. It is the last of the Christmas sewing. A fun way to end. 


I got another 60 rows knit on the shawl last night and am half done. I do make mistakes and have to unknit rows to correct them. Those are my issues as there are no mistakes in the pattern. 

When done this shawl, I am going to stop knitting for a few days and read the book I want to read. I've been too busy trying to get projects done that reading has been put on hold. 


    The storm we were to have the night before last and missed us, dropped 23" of snow on Cape Breton Island which is NE of us. They seem to get the brunt of all the storms that hit Nova Scotia.

    I am hoping to get more of the sewing room cleaned up now that I am almost done Christmas sewing. The mess is driving me nuts and I need to get it organized so I can enjoy sewing in a clean and organized room. I know I was doing some frantic sewing the past while as I was behind. That lead me to become messy and unorganized, two things I can't deal with on a daily basis. 


The goal is to finish cleaning the upstairs in the morning. There isn't a lot to do as the rooms are clean. It is mainly the floors that need washing and some tidying up. This afternoon I hope to finish projects and tonight I will knit. I will only go out if it is necessary.

Until the next time.................................................

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