Thursday, June 23, 2022

Fresh Strawberries

 Yesterday was warm and sunny. The high got to 19.4C. This morning it was 12C and cloudy. We are to have periods of rain tonight. 


Yesterday morning was quiet as the Spousal Unit napped on the couch. Just after 10 a.m. the phone rang and respite was coming early (10:30) as she had a client cancel. A bit of a rush and we were ready for her. 

I went grocery shopping shortly after she arrived. On the way I stopped and picked up a flat of freshly picked strawberries. The baskets were very full. I remembered to take a picture of the last basket. 

I froze 11 containers and we had one container for dinner.

The Spousal Unit was quite calm with the respite worker though he became agitated just as she left. I kept him busy helping me do the strawberries and we went for a drive to return the flat. The people were gone as they had sold out. We will return it Friday morning. 

The evening was tough as the Spousal Unit was in quite a bit of pain. He was worrying about things from earlier in the day. I gave him his medication, soothed him, and he went to bed early. He slept well with no pain. This morning it is back again. 

I'm realizing that the spraying of the weeds as been one of the causes of anxiety and pain. When they spray the next time, I'm going to tell him it is liquid fertilizer. His other cause of anxiety and pain is me having to do it all for him. I reassure him it is okay and that I am here for him no matter what. It seems to help him relax.


I spent some time in the sewing room yesterday. I got the trim around the empire waist done. I also did the trim around one arm hole. No pictures as I had to rush up to start monitoring the Spousal Unit as he was agitated and the strawberries needed to be frozen. 

It was nice to be in the sewing room without worrying about anything. It gave me a chance to relax and recoup so I could meet the challenges in the afternoon. 


I sat and knit on the socks yesterday. I did quite a few rounds and now have 92 stitches on the needles. I need to be at 72. About 20 more rounds and I'll be ready to start the foot on both the socks. I am slowly making progress. 

I am not planning my next project yet. I will wait until I get to the toes of the socks. It will be something for the dolls. I'm thinking something where I can use up a part ball of yarn and get it out of the stash.


I am hoping to start deep cleaning the bathroom this morning. It will be my project for the next week or two. I will put on a load of laundry while I clean. I want to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. It all depends on how the Spousal Unit is doing. 

Until the next time..................................................

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