Saturday, June 25, 2022

Overlay Completed

 Yesterday was a grey dull day with a high of 20.6C. There had been about 1/4" of rain fall early Friday morning. This morning it is dull and grey again and 18C. We are to see it get to 26C today - the start of the hot spell. The fog and clouds are to lift and we could have some sunshine. 


With the dull weather, the Spousal Unit had a rough day. He was agitated when he woke up. It was mainly about the garden and the plants dying. It built up all day with him going to pull out the plants, him leaving, and how no one listens to him. After supper, I put him in the car and took him to family so he could talk. They said the same words as I did in the same tone and he calmed down. He had a good night's sleep and this morning has started out okay.

Respite arrived at 10 a.m. unannounced. A new person who was on her second day. She was great with the Spousal Unit. The hit was - her husband's uncle lives in Kamloops. A connection. 

When we left family's I took a picture of daughter-in-law's rose bush that the Spousal Unit gave her in 2018. It is huge compared to ours. 

The bush has huge blooms on it. 

It is hard to believe that last year it was dug out of the ground when the water line had to be fixed, wrapped in wet fabric and put back into the ground many hours later. 


I spent most of my time in the sewing room while respite was here. I got the overlay completed ready for a press. 

Though it doesn't say, I put a hook and eye on the front to close it. 

I've looked at the instructions and am ready to trace, cut, and sew the dress. 


I didn't knit yesterday as I spent the time trying to calm down the Spousal Unit. 


I hope to finish the bathroom this morning and start tracing the pattern this afternoon. I hope to knit this evening. Lawns might be mowed today. It is a juggling game to see what gets done and what falls off the list. 

Until the next time................................................................

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