Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Fiddly Sew

 Yesterday started out cloudy but the sun did shine making it lovely outside. The high got to 20C. This morning it was 13C, we have had showers and one roll of thunder. We are to have showers off and on all day with a high of 19C.


Yesterday I decided I wanted to use the central vacuum system and spent a lot of time looking for replacement bags. I thought the one in the canister was full. After finding the bags and a local store to buy them in, we went down to see what make the bag was and to get it ready for garbage day today. What a surprise to remove the cover and find a generic bag that was maybe 1/4 full. Out came the hose and I vacuumed the kitchen, bathroom, hall and dining area. 

While doing the dining/hall area, I did some cleaning and washed the floors. A total difference in the look of the area. I will continue to vacuum and go back to dust the house before I vacuum the next time.

We are having some issues with Elliott not using his litter box. I have been cleaning it daily for him but we now think the litter has too much perfume in it. It is also light weight litter which we haven't used for several years. We are changing his litter and moving the box, once again, upstairs. He has been such a clean cat that we are trying these measures before we take him to the vet. He is eating and drinking well.

There were 24 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. All the cases but 1 were in the central zone.


 I worked on the test pattern yesterday. I found the fabric, cut out the pattern and started sewing the front. It is a fiddly sew that took quite a bit of time but I got it done to near perfection. 

I need to spray the front piece and press it well to get rid of the pin marks. 

I looked at the back piece and will be doing a Hong Kong seam on the facing as it will make it nicer than if I fight to serge it. 

I pressed the inner border fabric and took a picture of it with a sample 4 patch I made. 

Once the test pattern is done, I will be back to sewing the quilt. 


I worked on the cat's sweater and I'm ripping it out. I don't like the feel of the finished product even if I have the correct tension. I tried the next bigger hook and it feels much nicer. So I start again tonight.

Elliott did model it and it looks too small for him. If too small for him, it will be too small for daughter's cat. 


We need to get apples and visit the book store this morning. I would love to get most of the dress done this afternoon and start the cat sweater again tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................................

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