Wednesday, October 20, 2021

More Work On The Projects

Yesterday was cool. The high got to 11.4C and the wind made it feel cooler. The sun did shine. This morning it is 7C and the high is to get to 13C. We had a rain shower during the night as the deck is wet this morning.


Yesterday morning was spent wrapping Christmas presents to be sent out to daughter. I got the box filled and even pushed in some fabric for her to make a shirt out of. I still have one more box of gifts to go. A lot of thinking went on while wrapping those gifts.

The Spousal Unit trimmed the bush by the front porch. It grew about 2 feet this summer. He started trimming the dreaded hedge and I have to go out and rake the thorny bits. Not looking forward to that job.

There were 12 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. There is a small outbreak in one of the hospitals and some schools are closed due to the number of cases in them. Flu shots will be available next week. 


I spent a lot of time working on the dog's quilt. I made 4 patches and sewed them together for the 2nd side, attached it to the quilt and put on the top border. I was mentally tired when I got to this stage.

It is almost ready to be sandwiched which is exciting. Hopefully today I can take it to get the batting. 

I did a lot of thinking while wrapping presents. I need to spread Christmas gifts over the year. Making quilts in September and October is too late for me. So I need to start thinking about starting in January. I have some ideas of what I will be sewing for gifts this year. 


I got the sweater on Lily and photographed. 

I quite like this pattern as it is easy to knit and uses up left over yarn. I did find the red sweater with the black beads on it. I am hoping to knit the cardigan to go with it from yarn in the stash. 

I look forward to finishing this project. I wasn't happy with the first cardigan and frogged it into another project.

I got the cat sweater done to the leg openings.

I can not see getting this on a cat with the underside completely sewn up from the neck to the decreases. I am going to open it up and crochet button loops so it can be closed after putting on the cat. I woke up during the night with the idea. I get to add another day of knitting on to this project. 


I need to do some housework, get the parcel posted, work on the quilt and unsew the sweater to fix it the way I want it to be. 

Until the next time.....................................................

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