Wednesday, September 22, 2021

A Rushed Morning

 Yesterday was another lovely fall day. The sun shone and the high got to 23C. This morning it is 12C and it is to be another warm and sunny day. The high is to get to 23C.


I have been trying to get our proof of vaccination cards printed for 5 days. Every time I print them, our name becomes 5 boxes with ? marks in them. I finally took a picture of the cards and printed them. I also got them onto my phone. What a lot of work.

While folding laundry, the phone rang and it was the doctor's office. We were late for our appointment. I thought it was today had it in the phone for Thursday. We rushed around, got ready and went. We got in and we both had great blood work and blood pressure. Our doctor wants us to wear our masks all this winter and told us masks will be mandatory in his office for along time to come as it could be in a lot of other places. 

When home, I finished folding laundry and did a small load of laundry. That was it for house work but I did do some. The small load of laundry still needs folding as I had to sew. 

With my hip and leg feeling much better, I am going to be tackling a room a week to get this place cleaned up. I will also be maintaining those rooms I clean as I don't want to get behind again for a long time. It has also shown me that doing a room a week, I can purge items from the room as I do the deep cleaning and maintain the rest of the house. 

The room I'm starting in is our bedroom. The last time I did a deep clean of the room, I purged and put as many items on the shelves in the closets as I could. I've kept those closets clean and am happy with the results. Now to keep the room clean on a regular basis. Setting aside a week will help me do that and I may be able to do both bedrooms in a week when I'm in maintenance mode. 

There were 25 new cases of the virus reported yesterday. With a number of cases being under investigation daily, I've started assuming there is community spread and am monitoring exposure sites when I need to shop. 


I got the jacket done yesterday and I really like the how it is sewn together. Lined and without a seam showing. The jacket went together well and I was done after a couple of hours of sewing. 

Though I'm not a fan of tan, I quite like this combination. Next is the cap, apron, and fichu. 

I have enough of both fabrics left to make another skirt and a vest for the next pattern. I will be sneaking back to get more of the skirt fabric to make an outfit using this combination. 

I've had the print for 4 years and it will be perfect for the dolls. Christmas outfit I'm thinking. 


I'm still knitting on the scarf of the test pattern. I have 140 of the 180 rows knit. I'm tired of the pattern even if it is nice. I'm behind on knitting Xmas gifts. Grrrr...............


We are heading out this morning to New Minas to shop as per our plan. This afternoon I want to sew on the test pattern and tonight I'd like to finish the scarf. 

Until the next time..........................................................

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