Sunday, May 23, 2021

Fun Quilting Project

Yesterday was cool and wet. The high got to 16C. The rain was small showers until late in the afternoon when one decent shower went through. Today it is 11C this morning with sunshine. We are to get rain starting around noon. 


I did a load of laundry and swept the floors. There was some other housework done also. 

The Spousal Unit was in and out and got some more bare spots seeded with lawn seed. It was quite a boring morning for both of us. 

We had a delivery of apple turnovers in the late afternoon by family. They were yummy good and we did have a good visit. It is hard not seeing them but we do sneak in a visit every week for a few minutes. 

I lost 1.9 lbs this week after having a 1.6 gain last week. Most of it was fluid but I did watch what I was eating also. To have an apple turnover, I had to have only chicken and vegetables for dinner. I'm getting use to juggling what I eat so I can have a treat once in a while. 

There were 64 new cases and 1 death reported yesterday. The number of recoveries has our active cases under 1000 people still recovering from Covid. We continue to follow the restrictions and hope that we can have a bit of a freedom this summer. 


I was in the sewing room just before lunch and cut the fabric for 4 placemats.  I am using Lines In The Sand which I downloaded as it is free. 

You start with cutting the large piece and adding a strip of fabric. 

You continue to follow the instructions until you have cut and added 4 pieces in total.

I am not the best at sewing each part 4 times as my brain loves to finish a placemat before I begin another one. I persisted at sewing each step 4 times before starting the next step. I was tired when done due to fighting my urge but I'm happy I persisted. I have to trim the placemats to 17 x 13". I quite like the pattern and may make them again. 


I finished the sweater last night and am ready to knit the shorts. Though not a hard pattern, the sweater did give me some issues. I can say I won't knit it again.  


I am hoping that I can get out to weed more on the hedge this morning, work on the placemats this afternoon, and knit tonight. 

Until the next time............................................

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