Monday, May 24, 2021

One Placemat Quilted

Yesterday started off lovely. By 1 pm it was 24C. Then the wind changed to the north and the rain rolled in. Squalls they called it. It rained 3/4" in no time flat. It then stopped and by 8 p.m. the sun was shining. It was 4C this morning at 6 a.m. and is suppose to get to 15C today. 


I headed outside early to weed more on the hedge. I got 3 bushes done and 3 big pails of weeds gone. That is 6 bushes done at that end of the hedge. A lot more to do but I'm pleased with the job I am doing. 

I headed into the house to cool off as I was overheating. It took me a while. I have to watch as I'm prone to overheating and getting sick from it. 

There were 84 new cases and 2 deaths reported yesterday. The number of people recovering is greater than the new cases so our active cases continue to shrink. 


I worked on quilting the first placemat and am quite pleased with it. I fiddled a bit with placing the lines of stitching so it was even and pleasing. 

I removed 3 rows of stitching on the very right side and redid them. I wasn't pleased with the spacing and I had ignored the 1/4" row of stitching I had done. 

After 2 hours of stitching, I was done the first placemat and was exhausted.

By keeping it simple, anyone can make these placemats. I used spray basting to hold the layers together and then pinned the layers together using about 12 straight pins. I used glide thread in both the top and bobbin. The stitch length is 3.4 on my machine and I used a walking foot. I did not adjust the pressure foot tension. I used 2 different feet. The regular foot and the 1/4" foot to get the stitching lines where I wanted them. I also drew lines when I wasn't sure and stitched down them. I can do all of this on my Diamond using the walking foot and its attachments. I would be inclined to draw lines if I didn't have the ability to change feet for the solid parts.

The second placemat is ready for pins and I can then start quilting it.  I will only do the 1/4" stitching on the sort ends as a guide to help me with placing the lines. I will stitch in the ditch only on the vertical lines and do the horizontal lines when done the vertical ones. 

I practiced a few minutes on free motion quilting and I sucked. I was tired from doing the placemat. 

I need to get another sandwich ready to practice on and do it when I'm not tired. 


I started on the shorts that goes with the sweater. I got the first leg done and part of the 2nd one. I hope to be done by mid week. 

I looked at my yarn in a 2 weight. I have very little of it left; 3 part balls. I will have to order from Yarn Canada so I can continue to knit projects for testing and the little girl. I have a few balls of high end for myself and will order a few more balls for my dolls. 


Depending on the wetness, I may or may not get any weeding done. If not, housework and then quilting and knitting. 

Until the next time...............................................

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