Thursday, September 03, 2020

Two Projects Done

Yesterday was another lovely day with lots of sunshine and a high of 22C. The temperature this morning was 19C having been as low as 16C before midnight. This morning it is cloudy and we could have showers during the day. 


Yesterday morning was clean the pantry day. It was an OMG moment when I opened the door and really looked at the mess. 
I had pushed and shoved things in there and items were getting lost. I emptied the shelves of everything. Everything was washed including the floor and baseboards. 
As I put items away, we filled a cloth basket with the excess and put it down stairs. We have space in the pantry now. 
If we run out of something, we can head to the basement to the "hoard". 
We will buying the basics for the next while. We have enough to get us through for quite a while. 


I had a good thinking spell before I started the pantry. I am working on a few things to try and settle down my over active brain. I am coming back to this -- my circle of control. 
I finally had to deal with an issue on social media about the virus. When I replied with how we are taking care of ourselves with the guidelines here. I let go of those things I can't control and moved on. It was hard but I've done it. 
Yesterday there were not cases of the virus report. There are 6 active cases of the virus in the province. I jokingly said two days of no new cases will bring 2 new cases on Thursday. 


I made grandson 2 new masks yesterday using this video. I made him the small size and it fits him well. 
The little triangle at the top goes over the nose and should keep glasses from fogging up (grandson does not wear glasses). 
There are three pleats at the bottom and they give the mask a nice fit in that area. I used a soft elastic and need to buy more of it as I'm making a few more masks this fall. 


None done last night. I'm being lazy now. 


We may head out this morning for a drive and stop on the way home for fabric for a shirt for daughter. I will get enough to make her a matching mask. This is her birthday present. This afternoon, I will make 2 more masks