Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Second Bag Completed

Yesterday was a cool day with a high of 19C. This morning it was a cool 7C with maybe a hint of frost on the shed roof. It is suppose to be sunny and warmer today. 


It was a day of me in the basement sewing and the Spousal Unit making himself scarce. I really don't know what he did except come to the quilt store with me in the morning. 
Last night we covered the tomato and cucumber plants as they said there was a risk of frost in low lying areas. When they say that, we could get frost. 
There were two cases of the virus reported yesterday. Both are at two universities. There are probable cases at two other universities. Students are arriving now to self isolate prior to classes starting. 


We headed out to the quilt shop and got in early. I was out in no time flat with these fabrics for another reusable bag.
I was very surprised that I found the combination so quickly as when I am looking for something, my brain can go dead. I was thrilled that it went so quickly and was out of the store in no time flat. It helped there was only 3 of us in the store shopping. 
The fabric was laundered and in the sewing room before lunch. I pressed and cut out the piping. 
Yes the light is the piping which is totally not me. I usually go for darker piping. 
I kept pressing, cutting, sewing and when the Spousal Unit did his first check on me I was this far along.  
All the pieces were ready for me to keep sewing. And sew I did. At 4:15 p.m. I was done and ready to take one photo. 
The two bags were put into zip lock bags, put into a box and shipped via the postal system. We were home from the post office at 5:15 p.m. I was exhausted and sore and cranky but the job was done. 
I ended August having sewn 12.7 meters (13.2 yards) of fabric. Bigger projects equals more fabric sewn. But not all of it came out of the stash. Three were UFO's and test pattern were from the stash, and the two bags were purchased to meet a request. I've sewn 66.2 meters of fabric (72.1 yards) so far this year.
I learned that I really don't need a stash. I enjoyed shopping for the request fabrics. When told I should increase my fabric stock (aka stash), I realized it was the enjoyment of shopping for a project that I enjoy the most. 
I finished up September's to do list. I'm going to focus on piping this month to get rid of several meters of fabric and ship it out to daughter. I can do a lot of piping in a couple of hours. I am also going to embroider a wall hanging for the downstairs bathroom and finish hand sewing the binding on a couple of projects. Other items will pop up but I do want to spend time doing some non sewing projects. 


I didn't knit last night as my hands were tired. Knitting may have caused me to have cramps. I just relaxed until we ran out to cover the plants. 


I need to do the bills and budget this morning and then make a decision about this afternoon. I'm not pushing it as I'm sore from two long days at the sewing machine. 
Until the next time..............................