Sunday, December 29, 2019

A Day of Paper Work

The temperature has remained between 0C and 4C for the past couple of days. Today the wind has come up giving us a wind chill factor of -5C at 8:30 a.m. while the temperature is 0C. Brrrrr. We are to get snow on Tuesday which I'm sure is causing itself to blow in.


Yesterday was a day at the table doing paperwork. I took a few short breaks during the day and stopped mid afternoon. Not done yet. 
The combination of stress and onions (my choice to eat them 3 out of 4 days) has caused my IBS to flare up some. It's more of an inconvenience rather than it taking over my life. A few days of bland eating should have it back under control. 


I was into the sewing room, looked at the Christmas fabric on the table, got a piece of yarn and needle and walked out. I'm thinking when I have a bit of time about what I want to make out of that fabric. Ideas are forming. 


I spent a bit of time sewing on one button, dressing Kit, and doing photos. 
The test pattern is now completed and on the Kit. 
I'm thinking of a skirt either in the dusty rose or white. Probably the white to tie in the buttons. 
The sweater set was also photographed. 
I want to make a pleated skirt to wear with it. Love a plaid but it may end up being a textured looking plain. 
I knit on the dress and am 2/3rds done. Increases have started so it is going to take more time as the number of stitches increase every 4th row. I'm loving the dress though. 


There is more paper work to be done, laundry to fold, and, maybe, the tree skirt pattern drawn up. I will also knit the doll's dress with hopes of getting a few more rows done. 

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