Sunday, September 08, 2019

Hurricane Dorian Has Passed Over Us

Yesterday was Hurrican Dorian Day in Nova Scotia. Our morning started out with a light rain and wind and it progressed to quite the storm by 5:30 p.m.
I went out in the morning to get cash out and to buy a few more items we needed. On my way home from doing those few chores, I sat at the intersection and watched this low-bed end up on a wonderful angle in the ditch.
I truthfully thought the whole rig was going to be on it's side in the ditch. A bit scary to watch. 
At home, I spent quite a bit of time charging everything up. I can charge my phone off my computer in a pinch. Everything was charged to capacity when the power went off the first time. In less than 2 hours, we had power back on and the first priority was to make sure the laundry was dry, and the food was cooked, cooled, and in the fridge. We were successful. 
As I had unplugged the TV's and sewing machine, I spend quite a bit of time knitting and unknitting and watching Netflix. Time went slowly. We had a lovely warm supper, cleaned up the kitchen and the power went out. It was about the time Dorian hit us hard. 
It was quite the storm with the rain blowing in sideways and being pushed down the street in waves. Visibility was limited and it got quite dark. Suddenly, we could see again and it was nice to find our landmarks coming into view. The rain was less though the winds were still blowing. During the night, the direction of the wind changed as the storm moved east. This morning it was very quiet in the house as the worst had passed. 
Upon looking out into the back yard, we had a trampoline resting in our property. It had been moved about 6 feet or more from it's spot in the neighbor's yard. 
Daughter-in-law came over and helped us start the generator. We got the fridge and freezer cooling again and made coffee for ourselves (best coffee is the cup you have to earn). We boiled water for our neighbors so they could have their pressed coffee. The power came on at about 10:30 a.m. and another neighbor came down to tell us. He had his generator going also but fell in love with our set up. Everything is put away for now and we feel more confident if/when we need to use it again. 
Elliott did well during the hurricane. 
And a bit later he was under the blankets.
He was a bit cuddly during the worst of the wind but he wasn't really scared or acting up. He's been pretty calm during the wind storms we've experienced. 
We planned on putting out the plants again but not until tomorrow. It is still too windy for them. I will do some hand sewing this afternoon as I'm tired from not sleeping well. I will probably watch more Netflix. Energy level is low. 
Until the next time.......................

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