Sunday, February 23, 2025

Push Day In The Kitchen

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of -5C (windchill -10C). This morning it is cloudy and -10C (windchill -16C). Today is suppose to have flurries with a high of 0C.


Yesterday was push day. I got a load of laundry on first thing and then started to clean the kitchen. I cleaned the surfaces and then decided to clean out the baking supply cupboard. I descaled the Kurig. I took out garbage and recycling. I pushed myself to pull out the stove and wipe the sides of it and vacuum behind it. I vacuumed the floors and then mopped them. I stood back and admired how clean and minimal it looked. I was really pleased with how much I got done. And, yes, I was tired. 

After lunch, I had a short nap. I really needed it. Later in the afternoon, I opened the front door to let in fresh air and I scraped another tiny layer of ice off the sidewalk. It is a solid 2" slab of ice and is barely melting in the sunshine. 


I did sew yesterday. I started off with making a doll's jacket out of faux suede. The shoulder princess seams were a delight to sew together and I enjoyed the process of doing them. When I went to pin the shoulder seams together, the front shoulder seam was 1/4" shorter than the back one. I was shocked. I put the paper pattern together and it was the same. Unfortunately, it went into the trash as I could not fix it. I tried to no avail. 

I decided not to let that send me upstairs and sulk. I took out fabric that has languished in the stash for a while. I started to sew pieces together and am making a bag. 

I am at the point where I need to interface the pieces and add fusible fleece to the outer bag fabric. There are some scraps of fabric left which will go to the quilter's group. I am excited to see how this bag turns out. I need a successful sew at the moment. 


None done last night. I was tired. I did look at it briefly so I am at the point where I am ready to start again. 


    I am glad I pushed myself yesterday and got the kitchen cleaned up. It was something I needed to do. I did feel my energy levels go up and down which I expected from being sick. I need to keep pushing to do things each day rather than sit on the couch.

    We are supposed to have 5 warmer days in a row. I am looking forward to that so I can chip away at the ice on the short sidewalk. I plan on having the front door open so I can air out the house while I am working out there. We will need many days of warmer weather for the ice and snow to disappear as there is so much of it. Hopefully it will be warm but not too warm as it could cause flooding. 

    I need to do another brain dump for meal planning. I have finished up the meals I have made and need to get my ideas of what I want to eat on paper so I can get groceries and then make them. The last meals I made were good so I am wanting to make more. I am sick of soup at the moment so need to figure out a few lunches. 


I have to do the balance sheet, tidy up the dining room, fold laundry, and get a few groceries. I want to work on the bag this afternoon with hopes of knitting tonight. If it is warm enough, I would like to scrape another layer of ice off the sidewalk. 

Until the next time.............................................................

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