Thursday, February 27, 2025

I Sewed and Knit

 Yesterday was foggy or cloudy with a high of 4C. There was a rain shower in the evening. This morning it is clear and -4C (windchill -7C). Today is supposed to be cloudy with snow this afternoon. The high is to get to 5C. 


I was out to walk at the arena early. We actually had to wait for the doors to be unlocked. There were about 8 of us waiting to go in. I did 6 or 7 laps and daughter-in-law did 10 laps. I worked on my pace as I take a shorter step with my left leg. I have to watch that I am taking a big stride and work through the pain in my hip flexor. 

Once home, I took a look at the ice on the driveway. I stomped some of the lacy edges but didn't do any shovelling. It is slowly melting away. I went inside and had some fluids. Once I had done that it was time to get to work. I vacuumed the kitchen, dining area, hall, and spare bedroom. I mopped the floors also. It was nice to get them done but I was tired from walking and working. 

I spent some time working on the family tree. I have been watching Genealogy Roadshow and learned a few tricks I wanted to use. I went to my great uncle who left his wife and went to the US where he remained for the rest of his life. I looked at all the information I could and found that there was an obituary there for my grandfather. I read it with great interest and learned that my father (who has the same name as my great uncle) was a pall bearer at his father's funeral. I did not know that. I took a snap of the obituary and added it to my grandfather's information. 

Next, I looked at the information of the lady my great uncle lived with and eventually married. I found her in the 1950's US census living in California. She was living with their daughter. It stated she was separated from my great uncle. I also looked at the daughter. She stated that she had never married even though she used her husband's surname (wedding information has been recorded). I also realized that she had a child who had her husband's surname. I learned a lot from that census entry to keep me busy searching and documenting for an hour. 

I had a fair amount of pain yesterday. It is getting better but has moved to my hip flexor and knee. It could be the storm coming in or it could be my usual area acting up. Who knows. The periformis are getting better which is nice. 


I was down to the sewing room to sew for 2 hours yesterday. I worked on the bag I had started and got all the cross hatching done. I then sewed up the bag and boxed the bottom. I am really happy with it. 

It is smaller than my regular sized bags but it will be a nice bag for someone to take shopping for a few small items. At this point, I am ready to add the handles and the button loop. 

I also played with the pattern for the doll's jacket. I taped the pieces together and laid them out. The pattern is out exactly the same amount as the fabric pieces were. 

Now to figure out if I add to the from piece or take away from the back. I am thinking it will be adding to the front piece. I am going to fool around with the front pieces a bit more as I may have to add to the side front princess seam. I wait and see what happens next. I will print the pattern pieces again. 


I forced myself to pick up the arm stitches on the vest. It took me the better part of an hour to get 118 stitches on the needle as I had to work carefully. I did it. 

I can now do the ribbing on it. 


    I am improving with my aches and pains. I need to start doing yoga again to help stretch all my muscles. I know it will help me out a lot. I also need to loose 10 lbs to get some of the extra weight off my joints. All this starts on Sunday. I see the dietician on Tuesday so will get some direction from her. I know I am eating healthy but need to cut back on portion size as I am no longer shovelling snow, ice or slush. 

    I am enjoying working on the family tree. Though my tree is extensive, I am now at the point of finding little things about family members. I am at the point where I have to prove certain things are correct as I have put information in that is wrong and had to take it out again. That takes time and energy. I have learned a lot from watching Genealogy Roadshow on what to look for when I am doing my research. 

    Though I had a nap yesterday, I did push myself to go sew and then knit last night. I need to get back to doing things and try to eliminate the napping. 


I see the doctor this morning which means the morning will be done by the time I leave the clinic. I want to work on the bag this afternoon with hopes of having it almost done. I want to knit tonight. What else I get done remains to be seen. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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