Wednesday, February 05, 2025


 Yesterday was sunny but the temperature dropped all day as did the windchill. At 3 pm it was -3 (windchill -8C). This morning it is clear and -11C (windchill -17C). Today is suppose to be clear, windy, and -11C (windchill -19C).


Daughter-in-law picked me up and we went to osteopathy or should we say osteo-torture. I was on the table first and the therapist had to separate two of the  muscles in the hip flex group. That was painful with her having to stop so I could stretch my leg. It was going to cramp big time. She finished up the session saying she got them back into their correct places. I had hoped so with all the pain I endured. Daughter-in-law had osteo-torture also on her back. When done, we left for home sore and tired. 

The trip home was beautiful. Sackville had more snow than us and the trees were white with snow. They actually looked gorgeous in the sunshine. We admired them until we got closer to home as we didn't have snow. It missed us during the night. 

I had a good sleep in the afternoon as the treatment left me exhausted. When I woke up and came to, I was still tired but had way less pain. The treatment worked which is great. 

I did work for 30 minutes in the sewing room. I hooped stabilizer on a hoop and got the shirt on in the right place and position. It was quite a bit of work to get it correct. I am now ready to export the design to the machine and start stitching. 

I was outside to scrape the ice off the garage end of the driveway and to salt it heavily. It was a sheet of ice that was partly melted in some spots. I also did the walkway as it was slippery when I came into the house. Hopefully I can scrape it on Thursday before it snows. 

I did not knit last night as I was too tired. I am fighting a cold  and am not the brightest person in the evenings. I will get back at it soon. 


    I am thankful that I have a great osteopathy therapist. She may make me sore but she does get things back into place. I see her 3 weeks after my next physiotherapy session and then the last week before she goes on maternity leave. She is off for 4 months and will be missed by her clients. 

    I am fighting a cold at the moment and am hoping that I will win the war against it. I had thought it was allergies to the fine dust in the house due to the heat pump but I am thinking it isn't. I will get over this as I do have a good immune system. 

    Our weather is bonkers. Cold today, warming up to snow and then back to below the normal range for a bit. It is February and it is our winter weather month. I'm over winter but need to grit my teeth and keep the driveway cleared of snow and ice. 


We are out walking this morning and then I will get a few groceries. I hope to sew a bit this afternoon but doubt if I will knit tonight. I had a bad night's sleep so will probably go to bed early tonight. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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