Friday, July 28, 2023

Nearing The End Of A Huge Project

 Yesterday was another sunny warm day. The high got to 29.1C (humidex 37C). It rained in the evening and about 1/2" rain fell over night. This morning it is cloudy and 19C. Today is to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 27C (humidex 34C). 


Yesterday morning I cleaned the bathroom and did a load of laundry while cleaning. It was the usual fluff from the toilet paper. I washed the kitchen floor when I did the bathroom floor. All is clean and I keep moving on to having the upstairs done.  

Once the bathroom was completed, I was outdoors to pick lettuce. A big tub full that I wash twice in cold water. 

I wandered the garden picking weeds and checking plants. All is good and growing quickly. There are little cucumbers on the vines. I picked a few beans that I had for dinner. The lettuce was bagged and over half given away. It is nice to share with family and a friend. 

I was on the phone to the county office to talk about chickens in the yard. The gentleman is dealing with it. No chickens in the yard yesterday. I also talked to public works about the drainage ditch and there will be no record of who owns it. With so much damage done, the gravel in the ditch is way down on the list of jobs to be done. The neighbour will look at it on his days off. He isn't too concerned or so it seemed when I talked to him. 

I am fighting with low blood sugar. My glucose reading on Wednesday noon was 3.9 and yesterday it was 3.9 at dinner. At noon it was 4.9 and I ate 2 small containers of applesauce which normally gets it back into the good range. I am moving more which could be the cause. I have lost another 1.1 lb and it has been off for 48 hours now. That could be another reason for the low blood sugar. I am monitoring it carefully. 


I have been working on the list of things I need to do in the sewing room. Yesterday I laundered and starched the cardinal  and dot fabric. It was hung outside to dry and is ready to press. 

Elliott had a spell where he was growling and running up and down the stairs. He was doing sliding stops and spins on the red fabric I had laid out on the floor. It is for dog blankets. 

I spent a short afternoon hand sewing the binding down on the last place mat. I was late to the game as I had company in to get lettuce and daughter-in-law also picked up the shelled peas. But the job got done. 

I have 3 mug rugs left to sew in the hoop and I am done. I made way more than I had intended. But, the fabric is used up and I have lots of items for the house for January and February. 

I watched the last episode of The Great British Sewing Bee yesterday morning. It was one of the best I've watched in a long time. The final made-to-measure was quite the feat - a transformation gown. All worked hard on their creations and the winner had the most beautiful transformation gown ever. The three people in the final were all great. The winner is a meticulous sewer (she's a surgeon) and everything she made was to the highest standard. The youngest was very creative (she learning costume design) and she is a great inspiration for the younger set to start sewing. What she learned in 2 years on her own is nothing short of WOW. The third person allows males to know it is great to sew as there are no boundaries on who can or can't sew. I hope there is a season 10 next year. 

As I sewed the binding down on the last placemat I watched pattern drafting by the Closet Historian on YouTube. Am I going down that path to having my own blocks and make my own patterns? My friend has done a college course on sewing so may be able to help me with the measurements and fitting part. I wait and see so will start with just sewing a shirt that requires little fitting. It will get me back into sewing cloths again. 


None last night as I was late getting things done. 


I need to get groceries this morning, fold laundry, and sweep floors. I want to make the mug rugs and have them done today. Tonight I would like to knit. Not sure how many other things will get done today as I need a break from pushing myself. 

Until the next time.....................................................

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