Saturday, July 01, 2023

A Day Without Rain

Yesterday there was no rain. The first time we had no rain in 24 hours. It was cloudy but not dull and dark. The high got to 26.5C with a humidex of 33C. This morning it is 20C and cloudy. We are to have a mixture of sun and showers with a high of 26C and a humidex of 31C. 


I read an article last evening and it stated that in the past 2 weeks (June 13-27 I am assuming) we had 12.5"of rain fall. No wonder everyone was complaining about the weather. That included me. 

I had a busy morning yesterday. I made a potato salad and got 12 eggs ready to fill for devilled eggs. When done, I cleaned up the kitchen ready for this morning. It was a big job but I have my list of what needs to be done for dinner tonight. 

I opened the box of dishes to put them into the dishwasher and one of the soup bowls was broken. 

I was upset as I now have to replace them tomorrow. Not what I wanted to do. 

In the late afternoon I went out to tend to the vegetables. I picked lettuce and have more to pick. 

I also pruned the tomatoes and thinned the carrots. The peppers and leeks are ready to start growing rapidly now. What surprised me the most was the scapes on the garlic. I cut off the 4 most advanced and gave them to my neighbour. I will be pulling garlic to dry in the next 2-3 weeks. 

I went to check on the Spousal Unit's rose bush and came in with these lovely huge blooms. The first of the season. 

I thought they would have been later this year due to the wet weather but they aren't. There are about 10 more buds on the bush and it will continue to bloom all summer. 

I was out after dinner to put gas in the car. None was available due to people filling their vehicles all day long. The price of gas went up 15-17 cents at midnight due to the new carbon tax Nova Scotians have to pay. It is not only gas but diesel and heating fuel. 


I spent the afternoon in the sewing room. Block #9 was trimmed ready to be put on the finished pile. I set up and stitched out block #10. 

While the embroidery machine was stitching out, I hand sewed the binding down on the table runner. I got it almost done when I had to stop and do the last 4 thread changes on the block. Those I have to sit at the machine as they are 1-2 minutes stitching time. Once done, I finished the binding in about 5 minutes. 

Another day of doing what I needed to do on the list. Two more days and those unfinished projects will be done. I can focus on the doll's outfit at home and sew the other items cut out at the quilt shop. 

I ended June with 29.95 meters of fabric sewn and 24.8 meters bought. I have sewn a lot of what I have bought though there is still some that is in the stash (5 meters for sure). I haven't bought any fabric for almost 3 weeks. I did open the curtain on the stash shelf so I can see what I have and it has sparked interest in sewing it up. Hidden I forget about it. I forget about the doll's stash due to the fact it is in tubs in the closet. 

Once I finish up the winter fabric projects, I am going to clean the sewing room over a couple of afternoons and make a new plan for sewing. I need to have a project for at the quilt shop plus one at home. I need to be able to finish both of the projects in a timely manner. I am a one project person so having 2 on the go messes with my brain. 


None done as I went out to see my neighbour and to put gas in the car.


This morning I have to make buns, do the devilled eggs, and prep the meat and vegetables for dinner. This afternoon family and I are going to start sorting through the Spousal Unit's tools in the garage. It is time to deal with them. I won't be sewing or knitting tonight as we are celebrating Canada Day with dinner and I will watch the fireworks this evening while Elliott has a fit with the noise. He will either cuddle or hide. 

Until the next time..........................................................................

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